whiteblue pants
白蓝   Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Προθήκη εικόνας τέχνης
31 4
Self Introduction~(EN Ver / CN Ver2) Updated 2017/4/4
·············································English version Self Introduction············································
Hey everyone~ I don't know how you find here. But. Welcome to my userpage! If you want to get to know me, please keep on watching carefully.

I am a university student, So I always play game on weekend.

My love Game: L4D2 , Dota2 , osu , csgo , lol ~
I am always play the above mentioned game (osu afk now), If you want to play with me, feel free to invite me (If i am free!) I am Noob:vanilla:

You can call me "k" or "Chino", as you like ! Or if you can understand a little chinese, you can call me "白蓝" I prefer "白蓝酱" ( # ▽ # )

I don't rally care about level, So please feel free to add me~ But CAREFUL, Before adding me, please leave a message in my userpage, So I can know you are not a bot.

Thank you to be able extremely to see here. I am so sorry for my poor English THANK YOU !!!:cinnamon2:

大家好这里是白蓝,名字取自于我的osu ID:WhiteBlue pants. 有很可怕的取名困难症qwq 一开始是想着BlueWhite pants的. 然而觉得不太好看,试着反了过来,发现顺眼多了. 于是就决定这样了~

关于我自己 是个萝莉控w 最喜欢智乃了(
我是一名苦逼的大学生QAQ 由于平时会比较忙,所以一般都会是周末才会玩游戏 同学快醒醒,你的程序还有两个error(吐血)

我平时喜欢玩Dota2 csgo lol l4d2 osu(目前由于显示器原因在学校的时候osu属于afk)至于手机游戏,好久之前就已经弃了手游了. 因此现在要用手机消遣时间的话只有微博和知乎 还有魔性的bb弹和2048~

平时的话欢迎各位拉我一起玩游戏,只要是我有空的话我绝对会来的!其他游戏的话我也会玩的! 所以不仅仅上面所说的那几个游戏哦

:nekoheart: 喜欢的音乐
One more time, One more chance [music.163.com]
源流懐古 [music.163.com]
色は匂へど散りぬるを [music.163.com]
Blue Zenith [music.163.com]
Flower of Life [music.163.com]
水晶世界 ~Fracture ext~ テスト [music.163.com]
Deconstruction Star [music.163.com]

由于好友太多加上个人许多原因, 我只会对我在意/熟悉的人问好等留言 >.< 但 有来必有往 ,只要跟我留言的都会礼貌的回一句~ 另外如果有时候没有留言,要么是因为学业原因太忙,不然就是你做了什么让我生气了( 特别是某个笨蛋

欢迎各位加我为好友w,我对等级方面没有任何所谓. 但在发邀请之前,请先到我的个人主页下留言,好让我知道是否是机器人. 最近广告哥有点多呀qwq



My L4D2 server ! / 我的l4d2服务器
English version :I have a L4D2 server and If you want to play in it, feel free to join my groud called "白蓝势力". Unless server is boom, server will keep opening for 24hours. But careful, because of some unknow reason, My server is not always show in game. Then you only join the server through ip QAQ. I am so sorry and I will solve the problem lately.

中文 :我在一位好朋友的帮助 @毛毛 下开了一个l4d2的服务器,假若想要到服务器里玩的话,可以直接加入我的组"白蓝势力". 服务器若没有爆炸的话,是24小时开着的. 但因为一些原因服务器不会一直在游戏主界面的右下角显示,这时想要进去服务器就只能通过控制台输入ip进去了. 服务器的一些问题我会在放假的时候找时间修复的 若带来麻烦请见谅QAQ:cinnamon2:
Αγαπημένο παιχνίδι
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Προθήκη στιγμιοτύπων
Chino & Sagiri
5 1 1
Αγαπημένη ομάδα
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19 ψήφοι
Δημιουργήθηκε από - 夜羽真白
Πρόσφατη δραστηριότητα
365 ώρες συνολικά
τελευταίο παιχνίδι 28 Ιαν
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τελευταίο παιχνίδι 28 Ιαν
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τελευταίο παιχνίδι 22 Ιαν
Kiyoka 29 Ιαν, 19:14 
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Have an amazing day!~:simplepinkheart:
Kiyoka 22 Ιαν, 15:25 
I wish you a wonderful day.. adorable whiteblue pants :simplepinkheart:
Kiyoka 17 Ιαν, 19:15 
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡌⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀have a wonderful weekend :simplepinkheart:
Kiyoka 16 Ιαν, 18:13 
Thank you for being my friend
Kiyoka 16 Ιαν, 0:49 
:CloverZ::grizzland_empty_heart::sawy3:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ :sawy3::grizzland_empty_heart::CloverZ:
:sawy3:⠀⠀⠀⠀:spheart::simplepinkheart::spheart:⠀⠀⠀⠀ :sawy3:
:grizzland_empty_heart::sawy3:⠀⠀⠀⠀:spheart:⠀⠀⠀⠀ :sawy3::grizzland_empty_heart:
:CloverZ::grizzland_empty_heart::sawy3:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ :sawy3::grizzland_empty_heart::CloverZ:
Kiyoka 12 Ιαν, 18:37 
──(> " " <) (> " " <)──
──( ='o'= ) ( ='o'= )──
──-(,,)-(,,)- (,,)-(,,)─
I really like your profile