"Lies help cleanse dead thoughts, and the memories of the people we no longer care about."
"Cypher beckons."
Vort Vort Vort
:re2umbrella: V for Vendenko :re2umbrella:

I go by Vordenko most of the time, V for short.

My favorite music artists are Nine Inch Nails, Gary Numan, and Locust Toybox; here be my Spotify playlist: Click. [open.spotify.com]

Most of the time I play singleplayer videogames, my favorite type are old-school styled shooters. Occasionally I might play multiplayer games, however, when that happens it is mostly casual coop or competitive.

Last but not least; I am a modder, mostly for (GZ)Doom. Feel free to ask me about my projects if you are interested.


DeviantArt. [www.deviantart.com]
FurAffanity. (NSFW) [www.furaffinity.net]

Random favorite quotes:

"Just what are you, and where do you fit into this world? You may be a grain of piss, dried on the floor of the Queen's toilet. You may be the most important brick in the least important wall, but really, you are just a bit of something, on a bit of something else. It's important to remember this before expecting anything better." - David Firth's Health Reminder.

"It looked like the prisoners were giving them a run for their money. That's what happens when you hand some roided out half-wit a commando uniform with "special" on the front, and let them ride around his hometown in a tank playing soldiers. Sooner or later someone's gonna decide he's not so special." - Max Payne, Max Payne 3.


Don't add me just to roleplay, trade, or to clog up your friend list with randos. While I am okay with making new friends, I definitely am not okay with random invites that lead nowhere pleasant.
69 ชม. ในบันทึก
เล่นล่าสุด 5 ส.ค. 2021
123 ชม. ในบันทึก
เล่นล่าสุด 5 ส.ค. 2021
174 ชม. ในบันทึก
เล่นล่าสุด 2 ส.ค. 2021