vezqyy   British Virgin Islands
My bad taste in Music
   ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █    Welcome Music Lovers!     █ ▄ █ ▄ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄

         ██████  Now Playing: Girl Hell 1999 by femtanyl
         ██   ►  ██
         ██████  0:45 ▬▬▬▬◯▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
                1. Collard Greens by SchoolBoy Q
                2. Я Тебя Не Отдам by SEREBRO
                3. Still Cold by Night Lovell
                4. Toa by JAW
                5. Soziopath by HollywoodHank
               Favorite Genres:
                1. Rap
                2. Russian HipHop
                3. Russian Hardstyle
                4. Horror Rap
                5. Dance
                    ♩   ♫   ♪
Item favorito da Oficina
There is slight swaying animation and snow movement. Music has been added and there is the option to increase the volume. Music: Nier: Automata - Weight of the World
201 avaliações
Criado por — [Oppai Dragon]
Destaque de perfeccionista
Capturas de tela favoritas
theVoid 12 de fev. às 15:15 
Wish you well my Friend
theVoid 30 de jan. às 17:27 
膩I嶮薤篝爰曷樔黎㌢´  'XIII
艇艀裲f睚鳫巓襴骸    贒憊
殪幢緻I翰儂樔黎夢'”    ,ィ傾
盥皋袍i耘蚌紕偸′    雫寬I
悗f篝嚠篩i縒縡齢     Ⅷ辨f
輯駲f迯瓲i軌帶′     `守I厖孩
幢儂儼巓襴緲′          `守枢i磬廛
嚠篩I縒縡夢'´              `守峽f
蚌紕襴緲′             ‘守畝
f瓲軌揄′             ,gf毯綴
鳫襴鑿緲               奪寔f厦
絨緲′                    ”'罨悳
巓緲′                   綴〟 ”'罨椁
巓登嶮 薤篝㎜㎜ g    緲    甯體i爺綴。, ”'罨琥
I軌襴暹 甯幗緲fi'   緲',纜  贒i綟碕碚爺綴。 ”'罨皴
巓襴驫 霤I緲緲   纜穐  甯絛跨飩i髢綴馳爺綴。`'等誄
You are seen and appreciated!
theVoid 24 de jan. às 16:04 
one sky, one destiny
theVoid 20 de jan. às 4:53 
A Toast To You!
theVoid 15 de jan. às 4:21 
Keep Killing It!
theVoid 12 de jan. às 5:07 