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Análises recentes de kristik.

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No sound or whatsoever while playing. Sound sometimes comes up in animation part/story part where I am not playing at all. Disappointed. Not worth the money so I am glad that I got it for free. Unplayable without sound :)
Publicada em 11 de maio de 2018.
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6.4 horas registradas (5.0 horas no momento da análise)
Such a brilliant story! Such a great game! Yes, there isn't much you are supposed to do gameplay-wise, however it keeps you entertained all the time. Finished 2 episodes in a row and now on my way to start 3rd one.
I really wish someone would make series of films based on this game, that would be bomb!
Publicada em 26 de junho de 2017.
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2.3 horas registradas
Damn this game was sadly very short.
But it is 100% well worth all the money. I finished it in one go basically as it really kept me excited and entertained.
Graphics, controls, audio and story - everything is amazing.
Definitely recommended game by me!
Publicada em 26 de junho de 2017. Última edição em 26 de junho de 2017.
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530.3 horas registradas (154.1 horas no momento da análise)
Was good enough.. Now it is awfully terrible. Sort your sh*t out...
Ranked matches are so freaking random that I am on 1430 trophies or whatever that stuff is while enemy is on 1670.. Fair? Not at all.
Most enemies I encounter are lagging so badly that it is impossible to play against them as they are freaking telleporting around the map!
All developers care about is how many people spend money on mammoth coins to get skins, taunts etc... Work on a freaking actual game not just graphical stuff. You seriously made a awful job there...

Well, game became even more retarded now. Developers are pretty much fu*king up the game as further it gets. As pretty much everyone, just tries to gain money and gives no fu*ks about actual game. Servers constantly lose connection, hits aren't being registered etc. Awful sh*t that I can't recommend at all.

Update 2:
Lmao, after such a long time this game is even worse now xD
Braindead people can still play, have fun, enjoy sh!t. This game belongs to trash!
Publicada em 3 de janeiro de 2017. Última edição em 2 de outubro de 2020.
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2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
2,820.8 horas registradas (1,400.7 horas no momento da análise)
Análise do CS:GO
Couldn't get any worse than it is now. Seriously VALVE does nothing to keep game in proper condition. The amount of cheaters is way too high, just literally impossible to play anymore. At some point I did reach global rank, but what is the point when I still got cheaters in enemy teams, sometimes in my team as well. That's terrible, can't enjoy game in any possible way. Deleted the game and I doubt that I will ever get back to playing it as it really became awful and terrible game.
A little note to everyone who is cheating, I really hope that your PC's will get infected by some viruses from some mad hackers so you can actually understand how you are ruining fun for other people. Wish you never had access to steam and would get punished appropriately!
To everyone who still thinks that game can be enjoyable, forget about it, there is no chance you can have fun in this game.


LMAO! Valve never gets proper cheaters banned, no matter how much you report them, VAC anticheat doesn't work at all. Yet, fair players get global cooldown because of "minor disruption" in overwatch xD GGWP this game totally su.cks! Time to leave it forever lol
Publicada em 28 de dezembro de 2016. Última edição em 22 de julho de 2020.
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651.6 horas registradas (394.1 horas no momento da análise)
Well, complete update of review..
Game itself is fine, can't complain, but players base is terrible.
Every 2nd match I would get a teammate who is definitely younger than 15 years of age, cries about anyuthing, blames team, throws game.. It becomes boring to play as game starts to feel awful and pointless.
If devs would actually somehow start paying attention to reports instead of just banning some people for using swearing words, that would be nice. But meh, will keep it as a negative for now.
Publicada em 25 de dezembro de 2016. Última edição em 19 de dezembro de 2018.
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