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kayıtlarda 101.6 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 41.4 saat)
This game's built quite a reputation. A lot of people will tell you it's the best roguelite ever made.

In pure mechanics and gameplay terms, I don't think it's quite that. It's up there, for sure, but there are other action-roguelites out there that I feel have tighter execution, better flow, more strategic and mechanical depth; not by a huge margin or anything, mind, there's a lot to love about the core gameplay loop and combat mechanics of Hades, but for me, it does have its little quirks, flaws, and frustrations. Nothing huge, nothing major, just nitpicks.

The thing is, pure mechanics and gameplay aren't really the point here. Even if you judge it solely by that criteria, it's still a great game, but it's not why Hades has built the reputation that it has, it's not why it's become the mainstream face of the roguelite genre, it's not why it's built such a fandom. There's another reason for that, and it's very simple.

Hades is the best complete product ever released in the roguelite genre.

Storytelling, world-building, character writing, artistic direction and aesthetics, music, voice acting; as a complete package, as an all-round gaming experience, Hades blows everything else in the genre out of the water. It's the perfect entry point into the genre for people who have never played a roguelite before and aren't familiar with the roguelite gameplay loop, because it marries it with traditional linear storytelling in a way I once would've thought near-impossible to execute as well as Hades has done it. It's quite the accomplishment, and quite the labour of love.

There are roguelites other than Hades that I might be quicker to recommend to experienced roguelite players, but I don't think there's a single roguelite other than Hades that I'd be quicker to wholeheartedly recommend to just about anyone, regardless of whether they've played a roguelite before. A very special game.
Yayınlanma 7 Ağustos 2022.
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kayıtlarda 4.3 saat
Even with the limited scope and trick selection, this game is pretty much the best vert skating experience in any game on Steam right now by default, with Session not having implemented transition mechanics yet and Skater XL's being wonky and heavily mod-dependent at the time of writing. Really good fun, while the novelty lasts. Still though, if you have any other skateboarding game on PC, it's unlikely The Ramp will hold your attention for much longer than it takes to naturally complete most or all of the achievements. It really lives and dies by the sword of minimalism; there's an engaging charm to its simplicity, but without a deeper bag of tricks and mechanics to draw from, its novelty doesn't have much staying power.

Mechanically, the game is simple, responsive, and fairly intuitive. Not much to complain about. I can't really fathom yet how a non-megaramp 1080 is going to be possible for that particular achievement, but every other achievement was pretty easily attainable, even with Hardcore Mode enabled.

Some really basic functionality has annoyingly been omitted from the settings, including but not limited to a volume slider, a rumble on/off setting for controllers, any kind of input remapping, and any explanation of what the "Hardcore Mode" toggle actually does (though it's not hard to figure out from playing). Hopefully some of these will be patched in.

Great fun for the money, just don't expect a game that punches too far above its price point in terms of replayability if you've been spoiled by near-endlessly-replayable sub-£5 Steam games like cheap roguelites. This feasibly could change if different grind and stall variations, flip tricks, handplants, etc. are added over time, of course, but the game's already well-worth the low asking price as it is.
Yayınlanma 3 Ağustos 2021.
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49 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
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kayıtlarda 0.0 saat
I think it's best to get the negatives for TLD out of the way first. Don't get me wrong, it's thrown a lot of aspects of Monster Train's balance completely out of the window. It's exposed and exacerbated subtle design issues with the game all over the place, the power creep has been really quite spectacular, and going for the Divinity every run turns the entire run up to that point into an extended DPS race, desperately trying to scrounge together enough scaling to not leak two waves in the Divinity fight and die from full Pyre health. The game's RNG has never been more punishing at Covenant 25.

I'd still wholeheartedly recommend this DLC.

Even with those aforementioned issues, the current experience of the game is, at absolute worst, a sidegrade from the state of the game pre-DLC. Between the shard system, the Divinity fight, and the new Wurmkin clan, TLD adds more than enough interesting content to the game to balance out any wonkiness it's introduced, and more importantly, the changes made by this DLC are undoubtedly the right direction for the game. TLD has created a perfect set of foundations for the future of Monster Train's updates, DLC, and even modding scene to be built upon, rounding out the game's core mechanics beautifully.

A few balance gripes? Sure, but in today's world of long-term support for games, balance issues are a temporary concern. Best-case scenario, the developers work on it themselves. Worst-case scenario, modders get to work on it. I'll happily take a few balance issues now, in exchange for a DLC that, both now and in the long run, makes the game's core, fundamental mechanics feel so much more "complete".
Yayınlanma 12 Nisan 2021.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 906.6 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 30.6 saat)
A couple hundred hours later after my initial extremely positive review, I'd recommend Monster Train MORE heavily than I initially did, if anything. It's overtaken Slay the Spire as my favourite deckbuilder, Enter the Gungeon as my favourite roguelite (by a very slim margin, granted), and comfortably nestled itself near the top of the list of my favourite games of all time. It's not perfect, but it's not far off it. Can't recommend this game highly enough.
Yayınlanma 13 Kasım 2020. Son düzenlenme 12 Nisan 2021.
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16 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 60.2 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 50.9 saat)
This is a fantastic fighting game. If you want this game to play offline, if you don't mind finding matches through Discord when necessary (though in EU at least, the playerbase actually isn't half-bad, at least for an ArcSys game on PC), if you want it for single-player content, if you have friends who live nearby and have good, stable internet to play with: this game's well-worth your money.

I still can't, in good faith, recommend it for most players, solely because it's a fighting game with delay-based netcode, no crossplay, and not the biggest playerbase on this platform.

Right now, finding matches isn't THAT bad in Europe, at least compared to some games, but there'll come a time before long where the playerbase will start to dwindle even further and it will be THAT bad, and that's where delay-based netcode is a real game-killer. This game's netcode actually feels marginally smoother than, for example, Guilty Gear Xrd's (though I feel like that might be placebo, honestly), and still trying to play anyone who doesn't live basically right next to you, especially if both players don't have some hella-expensive alien-technology ultra-high-speed internet, is a chore at best.

I bought this game, and I don't regret it, because I have nearby friends to play with, I don't mind using Discord sometimes for matches, and this game is played at my locals, so I know there's an offline scene I can go to (at least once lockdown is over) if I want it. I think a lot of people for whom the above isn't true probably WOULD regret buying this game, unfortunately, with the average quality of online play.
Yayınlanma 25 Haziran 2020.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 851.7 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 842.7 saat)
Just occurred to me that with all the time I've put into Terraria over the years, having played it pretty much from launch, and with it even being the first game I ever owned or played on Steam, I've never written a review for it. I guess the aftermath of the final major content update is as good a time as any.

There's a reason this game has become one of the top-selling, highest-grossing indie games of all time. There's a reason this game still gets so much love, still has such a wide playerbase, and still has people flocking back to it in droves every time an update hits. It's worth your money, especially with how near-comically cheap it is these days.

As a single-player game, Terraria is... well, it's pretty good. It's fun, good amount of content, the time to complete a playthrough is pretty reasonable, it's very replayable, I'd say it's well-worth buying just to play single-player.

Where Terraria really comes alive is playing multiplayer with friends. If you can get a handful of people on a server, wrangle them into some semblance of cooperation and sharing, and sit in a voice chat together, there's something quite special about this game that's hard to really describe or quantify.

Terraria has platforming, varied combat, exploration, entertaining boss fights, genuine challenges with the right difficulty settings, aesthetic building, functional building and engineering/automation if you want to delve into it, farming and grinding if you're into that; it's a huge cliché to say that a game has something for everyone, but for the most part, Terraria really does exemplify the idea of having something for everyone. It's really hard to go wrong with Terraria.
Yayınlanma 25 Haziran 2020.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
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kayıtlarda 31.2 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 30.6 saat)
Haven't ♥♥♥♥♥♥ around to replaying the whole game on PC yet, but I've put easily upwards of a couple hundred hours into the Switch version. This is solely because I happened to get it on Switch first; it runs better on PC, and I generally find keyboard and mouse to be a much better way of experiencing the game (though I've also found it perfectly playable on a controller, clearly).

Enter the Gungeon is one of my favourite single-player games of the decade. Maybe of all time.

Above all else, the qualities that really grab me in a game are replayability, viscerally enjoyable mechanics that feel fluid and responsive, and a well-designed challenge that's overcome primarily through becoming more skilled, knowledgeable, and experienced as a player. If a game is particularly good at ONE of these, just one, I'll probably at least be able to appreciate it, if not necessarily love it.

Gungeon is one of THE most wonderfully-executed shining displays of ALL of these qualities in any game I've played, wrapped up in near-flawless presentation.

It does cutesy, cartoonish sprite art and packs itself full of references, but never feels dated, or like empty nostalgia-bait. It manages to be a love letter to countless other games and franchises, while never once lacking its own charm or identity. What little writing there is—only a little is needed—is consistently fun and endearing; every little snippet of flavour text and dialogue has a little something to offer, and none of it overstays its welcome. The soundtrack fits the game's aesthetic about as perfectly as a soundtrack can.

Yet still, as great as all of these audiovisual aspects of the game are, they never once distract from or overshadow the main attraction: a core gameplay loop which takes the foundations set by games like Binding of Isaac, and Nuclear Throne, and damn-near perfects them. Pure, raw mechanics are my real love in videogames, and I could gush about Gungeon's for days, but what it really all comes down to is that they feel exactly like you'd want them to feel, right across the board. Everything about them—the movement, the shooting, and every little nuance of how they coexist and interact, and how items affect and augment them—feels right. Wouldn't change or tweak a single thing.

At the risk of sounding like an insufferable fanboy, there's a good reason Devolver have become, in my opinion at least, one of the defining publishers of the 2010s. They've given a chance, and a spotlight, to some of the absolute best indie titles of the decade. Enter the Gungeon is one of them. It's a very special game, and it's well-worth your time and money.
Yayınlanma 31 Aralık 2019.
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15 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 0.5 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 0.4 saat)
Below, in quotes, is my original review of this game, from around launch time.

"I've been playing FPS games both casually and competitively for a number of years. It's not often a game comes along that has genuinely unique ideas and executes them well. It's not often a game comes along that's extremely accessible and fun at a basic surface level but also has legitimate mechanical depth. It's not often a game comes along that I can play with friends who barely play FPS games and with friends who have years of competitive FPS experience and have just as much fun with either.

This game does all of the above and it does it all with flying colours.

If you don't think the Smash Bros. party game formula would mesh well with a genuinely skill-based shooter, I wouldn't have either until I played this. It's built from the ground up to be a casual party-game PC FPS that doesn't take itself too seriously, and it serves the purpose well. It's a shining example of everything it's trying to be and isn't trying to be anything it's not.

It's Early Access, so don't expect perfection, but expect a true one-in-a-hundred game."

All of that is still true! Shame nobody's playing it. Classic case of a promising indie game with an uninspired art direction and distinct lack of marketing being dead-on-arrival, despite stellar mechanics. Go figure. I guess I'd still "recommend" the game, in the sense that I think it deserves a second chance at life, but I have no faith it'll ever get one at this rate. Unless you have friends to play with (and I mean a LOT of friends to play with, because you'll probably be the only ones online), save your money.
Yayınlanma 15 Haziran 2018. Son düzenlenme 8 Ağustos 2020.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 169.2 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 37.8 saat)
I wouldn't say it's the best FPS out there at the moment, it's up for debate whether it's even the best free-to-play FPS, but it's certainly far-and-away the best free-to-play FPS of its kind. It's got a fair few problems - most of them very small, granted - but none of them are enough to prevent the game from being an enjoyable FPS experience.

It is one of those free-to-play games where it's hard to avoid spending at least some money on it if you're going to be putting a lot of hours into it, especially if you're going to be taking it more seriously – unlocking mercs without spending real money happens at a snail's pace – but that's hardly a huge deal.

The combat mechanics are very solid. Guns are a little hit-or-miss but mostly feel good, the walljumping mechanics are finicky and extremely situational but satisfying to use when the opportunity comes up, it's very accessible but still has enough depth to stay interesting. If you're a picky nerd like myself who likes to tweak settings, the game is very customizable if you have the patience to faff around with UE3 configs (if you're used to Source config editing, it's the same kinda thing except about five times as awkward) which is a huge plus in this day and age where you're lucky to get decent FOV options, let alone proper configs or, god forbid, a developer console.

The non-combat aspects of the gameplay are where it starts to fall a little more flat. Many of the maps are convoluted and unintuitively laid out. Some maps seem to have about 539 different flank routes judging by how many different angles people find a way to show up from. Objectives (while, granted, quite diverse which makes for a lot of variety) are often vague and seem to be fighting against the game's combat rather than blending with it to create a coherent gameflow. It's difficult to really tell sometimes how much impact your actions are having (if any at all). Individual mercs, with only a few exceptions, all have the same kind of sillhouette and colourscheme and are honestly pretty close to indistinguishable from each-other at a distance when playing, which can make it tough to know what exactly you're fighting. Take all this with a pinch of salt if you're looking at taking the game more seriously and playing ranked/PUGs/etc. because as you would expect it seems a lot better, but for me personally this game is my "can't be bothered to play Quake" option so that's no great comfort.

If you've played any significant number of hours of Team Fortress 2, you should be used to enjoyable but very rough-around-the-edges FPS games, and this game is one of those through-and-through. It's flawed in areas, but it's well worth playing regardless. Whether it's worth investing a lot of time and money into is another matter, but the beauty of free-to-play games is that you can figure that out for yourself at no cost except time and disk space. It's fun, give it a shot.
Yayınlanma 2 Ekim 2017.
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kayıtlarda 122.8 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 121.5 saat)
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
This was previously a mostly positive review. This game has been going absolutely nowhere in development for too long now for me to be able to recommend it anymore.

Good concept, poorly realized on an engine that simply cannot seem to meet the demands of a Quake game, no matter how many half-baked optimizations are made (or, indeed, not made) from patch to patch.

When this game was in beta, it had potential. When it was first put into Early Access, it had potential. Now, honestly? Don't bother. You're only setting yourself up for disappointment.
Yayınlanma 5 Eylül 2017. Son düzenlenme 25 Aralık 2018.
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