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Seneste anmeldelser af VandeGarde

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7 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
2 personer fandt denne anmeldelse sjov
127.1 timer registreret i alt (38.2 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
This game keeps feeding you little bits to keep you going and it never stops (for 38 hours now). This game is addictive as Hell. eh.....addictive as Hades. I fell for all the good reviews though it was not even my kind of game. The reviews were right.
Skrevet: 4. februar.
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5 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
47.8 timer registreret i alt (35.8 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Very clever Hack & Slash game disguised as a RPG. The fighting and the skill trees are rewarding and somehow it never gets dull to get back in the fray and kick some butt.

One advice, read some beginner guides so that you know what you are doing and where to work to. There's more to it than hack and slash loads of ugly bastards to smithereens. Another advice. Take your time cleaning up the regions to get stronger and to get all the fun out of it.

Well done.
Skrevet: 9. november 2024.
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5 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
26.5 timer registreret i alt (13.9 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
For the last couple of weeks I start my daily game sessions with one or two Soccer matches to warm up my gaming fingers. Yes it's soccer, no it's not Fifa and definitely not a serious soccer game. No penalty cards here for kicking the other team to the ground. You even get points and fame for it.

You can control the time duration for each match 'cause it's fast and brutal. I play 4 minute matches and six minutes for the finals to make sure I'll win the match to get the achievements. And there is an impressing lot of achievements to go for! I like that a lot, gives you a goal to work to.

To keep it fresh and fun I never play more than 5 games in a row. I advise everybody to do the same so you'll enjoy it for a long time. Everytime I start up the game I feel this happy feeling coming up knowing that it will get a few laughs and a few shouts out of me.

You can play it with a controler or with your keyboard. I prefer keyboard but sometimes I use my Steam controler just because I can. I'm a complicated man. : ) Have fun!
Skrevet: 9. maj 2024.
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164 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
3 personer fandt denne anmeldelse sjov
111.5 timer registreret i alt (92.3 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
I stepped in a little late into the game but it's so much fun for any space exploring, base / settlement managing, upgrading sh*t, shooting sentinels to hell, ship batteling adventures ........ it's heaven for me. Sure, the shooting and the space fights are not that overwhelming but that's because it's only a little part of the ....aaa.... game? ..... nah, adventure. But it's good. The rest makes it effin great.

Everytime I start the game up I'll have to remind myself there is no hurry. Just enjoy it and go with the flow. There is so much to do and you'll get a lot of missions but you can't do it all at once. No problem, no worries, no hurry. It all will be there the next time you start up.

I often find myself starting a mission and ending up doing something totaly different. Go with the flow and you'll have lots of fun. Tons of fun. Loads of it!

Bye now, I've got planets to visit.
Skrevet: 6. marts 2024.
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6 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
272.7 timer registreret i alt (54.8 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
If you like the three last Fallout games and you like exploring space in a ship of your own this is gonna make you very happy.

It's Fallout in space. The feel, the weapons, the stories and all of the leveling and upgrading it's so very familiar for Fallout gamers. They've changed the puzzles for opening locks in a good way but also this has the same feel as Fallout. It's good. It's fun. For me it is like a warm bath to swim in with new stories and new goals to reach while shooting, helping, robbing and all those things that make a FPS fun.

Yes. Lots of loading screens while going into different areas. Doesn't bother me, it's just a second. Did I mention the guns and shooting are again a whole lot of fun?! Again every weapon has it's own feel.

And that brings me to the space ships. When flying them you hear the metal groan and creek under the pressure of space. Each ship feels different just like the weapons. And each space ship got weapons you can upgrade just like your engines, missiles, warp drive, shields.............

....you can upgrade everything and your mother! O, but you don't have to. It's a choice. You'll have to make a lot of choices. It doesn't make the game harder to play, it addepts to your choices and playing style. And that is just the way I like it. A lot of good stories, a little thinking and a lot of shooting and bluffing your way through the game.

They did a very good job.
I like it lots!
And I've been there, done it, done it again, and again.....never get tired of it as long I feel 'the love' in the making of the game. There's a lot of love here. And hey! I'm no hippy!

Have fun.
Skrevet: 16. november 2023. Sidst redigeret: 17. november 2023.
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22 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
1 person fandt denne anmeldelse sjov
461.2 timer registreret i alt (60.3 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
This game came in a long line of other idle grinding games. I've played this before only now it has D&D and Baldurs Gate characters in it. You can throw money at it to give you a lot of boosts but you don't have to. It only takes you longer to reach all the goals and achievements.

Is it fun and worth it?
That depends on what you are looking for..

As a Gamer I play at least 3 hours a day and in the weekends sometimes 10 hours a day.....and sometimes it's the only thing I'll be doing except ordering a pizza when I get the chance. Lot's of different games. This one I'll start and end with each session since I downloaded it two weeks ago. It only takes you about 10 to 15 minutes to administrate your party and its upgrades to keep them going on their adventures.

Mmm, it's like my aquarium. It takes a couple of minutes each day to feed my fish and keep the tank healthy and clean. It's no hard work and I like to stare at it once in a while and see all my fish going on their happy swim. It'll scratch an itch if you know what I mean.

So yeah, it's a fun game to have on the side.
It helps if you have some intelligence to speed things up. Their is a lot of mathematics behind this game. But don't let that stop you playing this game if you are a dumb fart. Like I said, it only takes you longer to reach all the goals and like my mother said people who are always in a hurry miss all the fun parts. As long as you're enjoying yourself and don't do harm to other people in real life.

Man, that's deep. Didn't knew I had that in me.
Chow chow!
Skrevet: 21. september 2023. Sidst redigeret: 21. september 2023.
Fandt du denne anmeldelse brugbar? Ja Nej Sjov Pris
3 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
61.1 timer registreret i alt (22.4 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
It goes on sale every now and then, I bought it for 5 euro's. The campaign alone is worth the money. The story is good enough and you can play the main heroes. What's not to like? The fighting is fast and great and once you get the hang of it you'll be smashing, throwing and crushing enemies all over the place. It's fun.

Lots of gear and skill upgrades. While playing the campaign you can go back to pick your own fights on the carrier to level up when things get to tough and get back to the campaign with better gear and skills. Switching between them is also fast and easy once you get yourself familiar with the carrier.

Nah, it don't deserve all this hate. It's a good game.
Maybe it's because I've played hundreds of hours 'Marvel Heroes Omega'. This was meant to be the follow up but a lot of gamers didn't knew Omega and what the game was going to be in the end. But they didn't get the chance. And maybe it was their own fault. Going for fast money instead of the slow and better way of introducing more heroes and more multiplayer fields and more things to do when you finished building up your heroes. Omega did this and it made millions of people happy when every other month a new hero was intodruced with his/her own skills. Nobody did might that you had to start the story again from the beginning to level up your new hero. Repetitive? Yes it was. But it was also fun!
Skrevet: 10. september 2023. Sidst redigeret: 23. september 2023.
Fandt du denne anmeldelse brugbar? Ja Nej Sjov Pris
124 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
100.2 timer registreret i alt (16.7 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Overhelmingly positive should be right for this game.
It's not too hard, it's fun and it's addictive. O! And it made me laugh out loud several times because of the characters and the story. It's over the top. Beside all of that the diving is very relaxing and the game doesn't hurry you up so you can make sushi and sell it at your own tempo and upgrade your stuff before you want to go deeper into the story. The upgrades are great and realy help you along deeper/diving into the game. Yep, Dave hit several of my game spots. I really like Sushi by the way.
Skrevet: 1. august 2023.
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2 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
36.2 timer registreret i alt (28.8 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Yeah....well...I played the game for about 28 hours. Suddenly the crashes that had happened before became more regular untill this point I couldn't load my saved games anymore and it became unplayable. So I liked it for about a full playing day and thought go %^^#$$# yourself after a lot of tries.

I've got an old pc. My gaming pc is from 2016 with the newest ♥♥♥♥ out there and I can play a lot of games that aren't supposed to play on my machine.

Star control isn't a game that should ask too much for my machine. I play games that make my pc starts cooking for all the visualy and all the superb audio it throws at me. There's a bug somewhere in the software of Star Control that didn't count the old rig in.

It's a shame. It's an old school sf game with a lot to go for it. I guess I would have several hundreds of hours of fun with it. Mind you, it's not a game that require your full attention all of the time and I enjoyed it while listening to podcasts while keeping score and notes. It's big. You'll need to make notes. But it's not big for me anymore. It's over. Bugger.

I'll go back to my PS4 for a while.
Hope you'll get the chance to enjoy it.
Skrevet: 21. februar 2023.
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3 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
42.5 timer registreret i alt (32.9 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
In every way better than the first one and just as addicting.
Simple, fun and a lot of achievements to go after.
Kung Fu mania and all you need is your two thumbs and the Force!! I love it.
Skrevet: 27. februar 2020. Sidst redigeret: 27. februar 2020.
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