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Скорошни рецензии на Vaarkhan

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259.5 изиграни часа (31.9 часа по време на рецензията)
Amazing game with a beautifully stylized world, interesting but uninvasive lore, fluid mechanics and a variety of activities to engage in. The ultimate goal is to grind to grind more, as there's nothing of actual value to be bought with the gold you earn on your voyages - it's all purely cosmetic. The game has a strong PvP aspect but you can try to not engage in it with enough caution and paranoia. You can never fully escape it, however. It is, after all, the Sea of Thieves.
Публикувана 15 май 2022.
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18.7 изиграни часа (10.3 часа по време на рецензията)
Fun little game with enough mechanical depth to keep it interesting for multiple runs. Definitely fun enough to play a round or two a day.
Публикувана 17 март 2022.
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96.7 изиграни часа (18.7 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
Fun little game that seems simplistic at first but turns out to be completely dumb. Great game, always fun to do a round or two in.
Публикувана 12 март 2022.
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28.3 изиграни часа (13.4 часа по време на рецензията)
The game looks good and the combat feels okay for a while but after the first proper dungeon on hard mode I have to give a negative review. The combat feels more clunky and stiff than it looks because of tremendous animation lock, the boss mechanics are not clearly telegraphed (especially when the boss rushes off-screen and then cleaves the entire room), the menu is completely overloaded with blinking but ultimately generic stuff, the loot you find looks the same all the time (and it looks crap, so you feel tempted to buy cash shop outfits) (I can't say if that changes properly at endgame, which would be the norm for the MMO genre which this game claims to belong to), killing trash feels unrewarding because the gameplay isnt as cool as promo footage made it look, the novelty of the "parkour" wears off very quickly (it does add to the feeling of verticality, though. Full points for that), melee classes feel terrible to play (for me at least, your mileage may vary) because of the stiff combat and the story is utter trash. I don't know what it is with asian games and the ever same story about demons, chosen ones, prophecies and cool ancient dudes that could do everything, but it sucks. Hey priest guy, wanna be a walking McGuffin that can do everything and defeat the evil demon dude with your own evil demon powers? I gotcha, cool NPC! I bet the players will love you because you are such a deep and interesting character. NOT.

Classes are varied, so that's a plus. They do play different to a degree. I also like the art direction in general. Levels look nice, skill animations look really cool (they bait you with flashy stuff, just like BDO), the cutscenes are done well to a degree, bosses can be interesting (especially the raid bosses later on look very cool on korean or russian footage).

I will probably keep playing here and there but this game disqualified itself from being able to be a "main game" for me. I will update this review once I notice any major differences as I progress... that might be unlikely, though, as my complaints are on a fundamental level and except for the stuff like gear, it is very unlikely to change in this year-old game.

Otherwise go play better games like Path of Exile, maybe. That game is miles better.
Публикувана 13 февруари 2022. Последно редактирана 13 февруари 2022.
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3 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
33.0 изиграни часа (0.9 часа по време на рецензията)
The Devs are based. This game is fantastic and you shouldn't judge a game by what someone said or did outside of it. Reddit can go eat a d**k and I wish this game and its devs only the best in the future.
Публикувана 22 юни 2021.
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1 човек намери тази рецензия за забавна
21.3 изиграни часа (11.5 часа по време на рецензията)
Murdered my friends and have been outed as a successful liar. Noone trusts me anymore. 10/10 game
Публикувана 18 октомври 2020.
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2 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
20.9 изиграни часа (13.2 часа по време на рецензията)
This game has it all. Poppy graphics, loveable voice acting, a rockin' soundtrack and a deep story with a variety of side-characters. The gameplay is engaging and thanks to the various weapons, upgrades and boons, no run is ever really the same. You're looking at many hours of fun here.
Публикувана 27 септември 2020.
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13.5 изиграни часа (13.0 часа по време на рецензията)
Does what it is supposed to. Lately I got crashes but it ran reliably for years, so I will probably be able to fix it.
Публикувана 6 септември 2020.
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31.4 изиграни часа (5.7 часа по време на рецензията)
Fun with friends. Excellent rage potential. Pretty graphics.
The grind doesnt seem too bad, even less so if you are actually skillful.
I am not, so I just troll people all day, ayyy lmao

Edit: A lot of hackers. If you have one in your game it is basically impossible to win. Negative review until this is fixed or a functioning report function is implemented.
ALSO the jump mechanics are broken. Sometimes you lightly bump against someone and get sent flying/tumbling, while the other person just lols at you and keeps going.

Edit2: Anti-cheat has been implemented, number of hackers went down a bit. Sometimes you still see the odd teleporting dude or people that are like massive rock formations in the breaching waves but hey, it got better so I switch it back to a positive review.
Публикувана 25 август 2020. Последно редактирана 24 септември 2020.
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51.3 изиграни часа (28.9 часа по време на рецензията)
One of the best Warhammer games to date. Holds its own next to wonderful titles like Space Marine, Mechanicus and the Total War series. The graphics are great, gritty and colourful. The enemy variety is appropriate for a game like this, very similar to Left 4 Dead and other titles of the genre.

The five characters have several subclasses each, some of which offer a very different playstyle. For example Kruger can be a marksman or a tank, playing a very different role in the team. The missions themselves are varied, detailled and sometimes downright malicious in the way they throw problems at you.

Harder difficulties will truly test your individual skills and teamplay. You will need to work together and not shoot each other in the back (higher difficulties enable friendly fire), sticking to your assigned strategies to survive the unceasing onslaught of the enemy.

The controls are simple, the classes are not overloaded with abilities. You get passive bonusses (per class and from talents), a dodge, a shove, light and heavy attacks as well as a special ability. That's it. It is up to you to use them properly to achieve victory. There are "combos" with the various weapon types that you should learn to work at peak performance.

All in all great fun, get this game and bring your friends!
Публикувана 18 юли 2020.
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