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j 17. dub. 2010 v 23.15 
Do I want to?
VALiDATiON 16. dub. 2010 v 20.27 
Do you know the muffin man?
Dirty Mike 4. zář. 2009 v 5.56 
feX: Jake quit WoW because Locks aren't OP.
Dirty Mike 26. srp. 2009 v 5.28 
[22:26] feX: youll be use it to though right?
rusS. 25. srp. 2009 v 4.20 
oi jake ur a failed abortion o bl, thats right fight me at lan ♥♥♥♥
VALiDATiON 3. čvc. 2009 v 3.50 
lol, EMV is telling the truth, no BS! :D