Billiam Shookspur
Data Archive   Virgin Islands, United States
The best achievements are the ones that make people question your character
Vitrine des évaluations
1 326 heures de jeu
My online experience was quite traumatic,
I gave my friend vampirism since he was interested in being a Dark Elf Vampire man with dragon powers.
He has since enter maxed stage vampirism to the point of being so monstrous looking, merchants refused to do business with him and he continued to feed on the local citizens and butcher livestock just because. He might not have been caught in the act, but being a freak can make you feel like an outlaw I guess.

The rest of the game is pretty aight, theres a lot to do even at base game for $20 (which includes the Morrowind Expansion for Free) and no necessary subscription payments just to earn the right to play the game you just bought (the Subsciption is for bonuses).
Nihiliste 10 déc. 2023 à 17h32 
8 years dawg !
Maru-chan 4 juil. 2020 à 12h51 
Billiam Shookspur 13 janv. 2016 à 20h20 
:steamsalty: Salted
:papyrus: Papyrus...
BrandinoCake 14 oct. 2015 à 21h30 
Hey, this is Brandon. We play Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. Add me so we can hunt on the weekends.
NoodleDonut 4 juin 2014 à 14h35 
Billiam Shookspur 3 juin 2014 à 22h38 
Finally fixed my Steam Program