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myon! legutóbbi értékelései

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20.7 óra a nyilvántartásban (16.1 óra az értékeléskor)
Red Orchestra 2 is an incredible game. I bought it since I heard so many good things from it, and I'll tell you that the good things you hear about it are absolutely true. Please note that this game is VERY far from the run-and-gun twitch shooters.

The Goods:
The depth of gameplay is absolutely incredible thanks to realism like the use of cover, the adjustable weapon sights, lack of crosshairs and ammo indicators, bleeding, immersive character audio/sounds and so much more. If you're looking for realism in a shooter, you should definitely buy this game. It features a somewhat slow, but careful and smart gameplay.
It's a perfect game...... is what I'd like to say, but it has some flaws.

The Bads:
The learning curve for beginners is very steep, but I don't consider it much of a flaw; the game's depth obviously means that a new player would have a hard time getting familiar with the game. Overcoming the learning curve may be hard, but the reward outweights the effort by a longshot in my opinion.
Don't take the warning lightly, be prepared to die endlessly without even getting a single kill when beginning.

The second problem of mine is the technical difficulties, first I had this keyboard problem which was fixed, and the ongoing problem is that it keeps crashing and forcing me to force-shutdown my computer.

The third is the lack of servers, I'd really like a local or very near server ( I'm in the Philippines ), so I don't have to play with 160+ ping every time. It could also be a problem of mine since my internet isn't very good, but I don't think that's the whole case.

All in all, the game is absolutely incredible, but the lack of servers and crashing keep me from endlessly playing it.
Közzétéve: 2014. október 31.
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