andreas depression
Andreas Rebmann
A.k.a Uberlort / Uberlord
Tällä hetkellä paikalla
Harvinaisin saavutus -esittely
Pushentier 3.1.2014 klo 23.01 
Shrek is love.
HumanTank332 1.10.2012 klo 19.38 
Yo dawg. What was that weird asian cartoon about a guy dressed as a penguin?
HumanTank332 6.4.2012 klo 5.48 
What is the code to your lock?
HumanTank332 5.7.2011 klo 11.14 
HumanTank332 28.6.2011 klo 15.21 
Chat me when your on. Good news.
HumanTank332 21.6.2011 klo 14.37 
Dude! I just checked; guess how much RAM I have! It's awesome!