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投稿日: 2018年6月4日 12時45分

The best co-op (6 players max) on the market tbh, it got it all, chose from 10 different classes/perks. An hell of an weapon arsenal, really got everything you'd want - and best of all, they feel really good to shoot. Poppin' Zeds heads have never been more satisfying and funny.

The maps are great altough some of them could be bigger (read a lil more open) but that is a very minor con, the Zeds mechanics are unique and have different vurnerabilities which is great, it gets even more fast phased if you upper your difficulty which is refreshing.

The more people join, the bar gets set a bit higher to even out the kills for all. If you like shooters with a refreshing set of mechanics and great gunplay, this is something you'd want to check out. Really good with friends and just chillin'.
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