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投稿日: 2015年10月29日 13時29分
更新日: 2016年10月8日 15時45分

crazy simple idea with a ton of fun. if you like football and cars you must be like it, but don't worry if you don't like them both you still must try this game!

Rocket League is a vehicle based football/soccer game, based from their prototype game SARPBC, polished and done perfectly, and one of the best competitive games i know nowadays. it has a simple mechanic but very hard to master, take your time to master it, and you will be find so much fun whatever your skill rank is!
find your playing style, try change your camera and control settings, try to use kb+m and a controller then choose which best for you. adapt to it, master it, and conquer the art of playing Rocket League!
yeah art, i can say that playing Rocket League is an art!

definitely "must play" game to everyone!
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Aegon 2016年6月2日 8時19分 