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Tristavian Shipyards Inc: Legacy Blueprints
Kolekcja stworzona przez Tristavius
These blueprints contain 'Legacy' versions of TVSI Ships which are 100% stock. Please note, these ships are updated much less frequently than their World/Blueprint modded counterparts; usually only after any major game braking changes. As I build most new
Tristavian Shipyards Inc: Blueprints
Kolekcja stworzona przez Tristavius
Blueprint Versions of Tristavian Shipyards Inc Vessels. Please See the main collection (linked) for full details and world files.
Tristavian Shipyards Inc: TVSI-Tech
Kolekcja stworzona przez Tristavius
Collection of all modded items by TVSI-Tech. TVSI-Tech is a division of Tristavian Shipyards Inc, an independent sub-corporation of Phoenix Shipyards. PLEASE NOTE: In all my images purple section represent re-colourable areas. These needed to be represente
Tristavian Shipyards Inc
Kolekcja stworzona przez Tristavius
Collection of all release worlds for Tristavian Shipyards. TVSI is a member of the Phoenix Republic: Feel free to use any of these ships in your own collections, files, scenarios, etc. or even
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