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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 11
35.0 год. загалом (33.9 год на момент рецензування)
A Fun and Challenging Game
While the story and interactions between characters may be confusing to those not familiar with Touhou characters, Disappearing of Gensokyo is as difficult as you would expect.

There are several difficulty settings: easy, normal, hard and lunatic. I've done my first playthrough on hard mode which was the recommended difficulty and it was quite challenging in a good way. The game offers a new game+ option after you beat it which adds replay value to the game. Lunatic difficulty offers another challenge that is no checkpoints so if you die you have to redo the whole level from the start.

The game features a variety of playable characters, so if you don't like the default character you can try unlocking other ones. Additionally, there are some dlc characters which I think are overpowered and can make the game a lot easier.

Me trying to beat Junko after many attempts:
Kogasa: "You must be truly desperate to come to me for help."

Despite this, I still ended up getting my butt kicked on some bosses. In a way you would still need to learn boss attack patterns and find the right opportunity to land an attack. Not knowing when to dodge will result in many deaths.

After finishing three playthroughs of this game (hard, hard tier 2, lunatic) I can say it was quite enjoyable. From unlocking new characters and learning how to use them effectively, as well as learning enemy attack patterns. If you're looking for a challenge then this is the right game for you, but I wouldn't recommend it if you are looking for story.

My rating: 9/10

*Another Note: This game is not in English by default, but you can change it to English in the settings.
Додано 17 липня 2019 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 17 липня 2019 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 2
12.1 год. загалом (4.7 год на момент рецензування)
Додано 28 червня 2019 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 26 листопада 2019 р..
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1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
121.7 год. загалом (118.6 год на момент рецензування)
If Berseria and Civ had a baby this is what it would look like. Although this game is more like Berseria and lack some elements from Civ. Rather than a tale of revenge you get a king that wants to start over again building his kingdom from scratch.

The main game itself is short and can be completed without having to do much grinding. Ni no Kuni II offers a variety of gameplay elements from battle with monsters to building your skirmish army. Most of your time will be spent doing side quests, managing your kingdom or challenging the dream door mazes. Difficulty at the start is fairly easy, but most of the difficult content lies in the post-game once you've beaten the main story.

I personally would have liked to see more of a skirmish focus on this game to add more realism when building and managing your kingdom. I doubt a group of bandits would wait until a kingdom's ruler goes up to them and tells them they're ready in order for them to begin their attack.

  • Fun gameplay with a variety of things to do in-game
  • Good AI
  • Post-game content
  • Likeable characters
  • No missables in this game
Although there is no NG+ there is an end game dungeon: the 10th dream door maze you can do after you've beaten the main game. The AI for each character do a pretty good job at avoiding attacks for the most part and I find that I'm usually the first to take a hit in my party which is a good sign. Lots of likeable characters in this game including the unique appeal all of the citizens you will recruit in your kingdom. You can complete side quests or recruit citizens at any time so if you happen to rush through the main quest it will still be there for you to complete at your leisure.

  • Bugs are present in this game
  • Strange side quest requirements
  • Lazy dungeon/story design and recycled monsters
  • Some achievements locked behind DLC

I would enjoy this game a lot more if my game didn't crash in the middle of doing a dream door maze, a place where you can't save and would have to start over again if your game crashed. One of the most common bugs being that you cannot change your weapons in the equipment tab unless you switch to another tab and back then it works. Some of the side quests are given at a strange time where you can't even complete it until you advance further into the story. Why even give this quest if we don't have access to the right items to complete it? The Dream Door mazes although randomized, you will likely see the same patterns when going through a lot of floors. The story itself felt a bit rushed and I would have liked to see some more character development for the main antagonist.

A great game with lots of potential. Fun gameplay, with lots of things to do in-game from battles to world exploration and building your kingdom. Difficulty can be adjustable if you find the game too easy. The story is passable, but lacks a bit of character development.

My rating: 8/10
Додано 13 лютого 2019 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 13 лютого 2019 р..
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1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
70.6 год. загалом
This is the first game from the Tales series that I've played so I'm not sure how it compares to the other Tale games. However, it certainly got me interested in trying out the other games. Tales of Zestiria is a good place to start for anyone trying out their first Tales game.

  • Characters
  • Combat
  • Music
  • Story
The characters have a unique personality and what makes them even more interesting are the skits in this game. The combat can be confusing at first, but once you get the hang of it that's where the fun starts. Enemies get more challenging as you proceed and encourages you to prepare before going into battle. The music in this game is amazing. Some people may say the story is not as great and I wouldn't disagree with that. It could have been better, but I wouldn't say it was bad. The animations and voices were well done and fits with the rest of the game.

  • Awkward camera angles
  • You can miss something important
The camera can be in a weird position when fighting near walls or narrow hallways of a dungeon which will prevent you from seeing anything. It also moves pretty fast outside of combat unless you lower the camera speed settings, but the problem with fighting near a wall remains. Some skits and sidequests can easily be missed if you continue on with the main quest or pass by these "points of interest" without noticing. They don't tell you much about how things work in the game except for some parts such as monoliths that give combat hints and other things you could miss like skits that explain how fusing equipment works.

Interesting combat system with armitization, decent story, great music and animations. The camera could be improved, but works fine as long as you are not fighting near walls. Overall I'd say Tales of Zestiria is a great game and I would recommend this game to people who are interested in anime and RPGs.

My Rating: 7/10
Додано 7 січня 2016 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 28 червня 2019 р..
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