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投稿日: 2017年4月8日 12時03分
更新日: 2018年1月26日 22時59分

Great game, if you live in Russia. It has good guns, great graphics and cool custimization. It is an overall great and challenging game. The downside is the lag. It is so bad that it is almost unbearible. If you live in the Americas, Asia, or Africa then just skip this game. The only servers that are always consistent are the ones in Russia and the servers are ok in Europe. I so wish i could give this game a thums up because it is honestly really fun game when it isn't lagging. I have some great memories on this game. Game devs, if you are reading this i think you have made an awsome and enjoyable game. I hope that somewhere down the road you can fix the lag.

The new update dropped a while back but only recently did I get around to playing it. I had such high hopes for the game and thouhgt that it's devs were good but it completetly let me down. I am a fan of this game, I have overall played around 50 hours when i combine my three accounts but i can now firmly and confidently say that this game is bad and will only dissapoint and let down. Dont play this game.
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