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53.0 ч. всего (13.3 ч. в момент написания)
In Skyrim VR, I am Bert the Argonian Chef. He's a happy argonian. He has his degree from the College of Winterhold, for you see, fire magic is invaluable for both starting his oven and fending off unwanted bandits away from his new home.
Bert has a job: He bakes sweetrolls for the nearby village. Bert is happy doing this, and quite successful. He lives his live day-to-day with his human wife, who loves him unconditionally.

Bert doesn't have a useless degree. Bert doesn't have student debt. Bert isn't unemployed. Bert doesn't have bills to pay and a family to support. Bert isn't afflicted with insomnia and an inconsolable sense of anxiety stemming from his mortality that permeates his day to day life.

Finally. Finally.

I am Bert.
Опубликовано 2 апреля 2018 г..
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It's hard to talk about the game without spoiling things. All I can say is that I enjoyed the experience, it gave me a laugh, and that with a little more polish and content it could be even better.
Опубликовано 8 марта 2018 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 17
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7.2 ч. всего (2.3 ч. в момент написания)
spawned on the beach
guy in armor tells me to follow him, says he's got a job for me
locks me inside a slave yard with the other slaves
drags me to a corner with a rope and tells me my new name is french fry
tells me to gather water
I gather water next to new slave friends until I thirst to death
slave driver comes back and beats the other slaves for conspiring mass suicide
10/10 would slave again
Опубликовано 3 января 2018 г..
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0.2 ч. всего (0.2 ч. в момент написания)
Now I can suck at basketball in real life *and* VR!

- Worth the dollar I paid for it
- Casual friends and family enjoy it, great for demoing VR
- Local/Global/Friend leaderboards

- Not really worth more than the dollar I paid for it with
- Fun factor lasts only about 10 minutes, not a lot to do but aim for a high score
- Physics just don't feel right
Опубликовано 17 октября 2017 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 4
10.5 ч. всего (3.8 ч. в момент написания)
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As much as I've played Sairento VR since I've bought it, I think it's finally time I left a review for it. This is one of the best games I've played in VR, and it's the one game out of my entire VR library that keeps me coming back for more.

The gameplay is superb; it allows for a high degree of customization for your preferred playstyle. Want to get up close and personal with your enemies? You can slice your enemies in half with a build suited to melee combat. Want to keep your distance and rain down on your enemies with a hail of bullets? You have an entire armory of weapons to choose from to dispatch your enemies with ease. The game is just plain, unadulterated fun. You're rewarded for finishing off your enemies in style with perks and upgrades that increase your experience gain from doing things like blocking bullets with your sword.

The devs are very active as well. I posted a list of issues I had after an update and two days later, the devs pushed out an update fixing the things I mentioned in the bug report. It's very evident that they care about their game and want it to be the very best it can be. Don't let the early access tag scare you off, the devs really do watch the forums, listen to their fans, and shape it from the feedback they recieve.

This is one of the most fun games I've played in VR. I can't recommend it enough, and especially with the amount of content and the amount of effort the devs are putting in to make the game as fun and accessible as possible for everyone.
Опубликовано 30 июня 2017 г..
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2.3 ч. всего (0.7 ч. в момент написания)
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I used to work at a bar, and I have to say that this game really hits the nail on the head as far as bartending experiences go in VR (minus the rude and/or drunk patrons).

There are many, many drinks to choose from that follow the official drink making guidelines, and you are rewarded for making drinks accurately by getting money for correct orders that you can use to unlock more drinks. You even have the option of making your own drinks and editing the existing drinks, which only adds to the fun factor.

While the drink making aspect is complex, my only complaint so far is the progression system. So far, it's easy enough to make about sixty drinks in the bartending mode before you have enough money to unlock every drink and glass available in the game, which can cause a reasonably large difficulty spike once you go back in and try bartending again since the AI will ask for any drink you have unlocked.

Overall however, I think this is a fantastic addition to my VR library, and I've gotten my money's worth out of it just from making my own drinks and trying to pull my usual bartending tricks (which for the most part, translates very well in VR!). The dev is also very active and has been filling promises to make this the best bartending experience in VR, and I think even on its own right now in early access it's worth every dollar I spent.
Опубликовано 30 июня 2017 г..
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1.6 ч. всего (1.1 ч. в момент написания)
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Many people refer to this as the "Garry's Mod" of VR games, and I'd have to say I agree. This really is a robust set of tools and toys that you can mix and match to create just about anything.

The game is constantly updated with new features that make it fun to play and create new scenes with. Even if you lack the creative drive to make scenes, you can always download more off the workshop or modify an existing one.

Overall, I really enjoy this. With frequent updates there's always more to do and more to explore every time I play. Well worth it if you like creating in VR but don't have the knowledge to work in something like Unity or Unreal.
Опубликовано 30 июня 2017 г..
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3.1 ч. всего (2.3 ч. в момент написания)
[Full disclosure, the developer provided me a key during the beta several months ago, which carried over to the full release]

I'm not the best at rhythm games, but I consider myself good enough that I'll get completely thrown off by beats that aren't on time with the music. That was my biggest problem with Audioshield, whose beatmaps were all generated by the game itself and lacked the precision, consistency, and variety needed to make a beatmap fun and replayable.

Soundboxing addresses this need for accurate beatmaps, and executes it very well. This comes with a drawback, however, as beatmaps must be made by users. Soundboxing hasn't been out for a relatively long time compared to other rhythm games that were released on or close to the release of the Vive itself, so the number of songs that will have a beatmap for them is smaller than say, Holodance, which has Osu! support which supports hundreds of thousands of Osu! beatmaps and songs.

Thankfully, making beatmaps for songs that don't have them is just as much fun as playing them. It's simple, you just load up the song and start punching away to the beat, and when the song ends you get to share your beatmap instantly. It's seamless, fun, and easy.

The beatmaps made by the community are voted on and the most popular ones show up in your queue along with the songs your friends make and/or have played and recommended, which means you'll almost always find a song that, even if it's not in your preferred genre, will still be fun to play.

All in all, I'm very happy with Soundboxing. It's everything I wanted Audioshield to be, and more. The dev is also active in the community, listens to feedback, and pushes out occasional updates, which helps to continually improve the game.

If you were disappointed with Audioshield like I was, and also don't mind making beatmaps, then give Soundboxing a chance. I highly recommend Soundboxing to anyone that's a fan of the rhythm game genre with a VR headset.
Опубликовано 2 января 2017 г..
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58.2 ч. всего (55.5 ч. в момент написания)
Bought the game, loved it as a kid
Remembered an exploit to get Steiner to level 99 that my cousin showed me the first time I played
Got the Blood Sword
Played all the way to the point where soldiers keep spawning
Set up AutoHotKey to press X every second
Left the PC on overnight
Woke up to level 63 Steiner, not bad, I'll just get back to playing it
One hour of absuing an overpowered Steiner later I decided to change the menu from Grey to Blue
Saw you can just make all characters level 99 with a button press
10/10 would overlook boosters and ruin my power bill again
Опубликовано 2 января 2017 г..
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2.7 ч. всего
I don't remember how I heard about this game, but I had this game on my wishlist for months and kept forgetting about it until I was 50 cents short of a trading card during a winter sale purchase. It's not much, but doesn't really claim to be more than what it is, either. I played this while waiting for another game to download in the background.

+ Tight controls (Not the tightest, but still tight enough to where most of your mistakes are your fault)
+ Costs less than a soda when it's on sale
+ Trading Cards and Achievements
+ Great controller support with rumble
+ Visuals and audio are mostly consistent and make the game really feel like a SNES game

- Requires administrative privileges (Why??? This killed any desire I had to keep this on my living room steambox. Means I can't play it without a keyboard attached to my living room PC.)
- A little too linear for what claims to be a metroidvania
- Magic is useless beyond shooting at a switch or teleporting; while I didn't spec into it, your magic pool is so small and regenerates so slowly that it just ends up being quicker to rely on melee
- The writing is almost embarrasing at times

~ Story is weak/forgettable, felt like the twist ending was shoehorned in and could have been more impactful by having the world you explore, equipment you gain, and enemies you fight tie in with it somehow
~ Level design goes from linear to labrynthine without warning and makes the last level arduous
~ The skills you learn, while nothing new, serve mainly to progress the story, don't add anything to the other mechanics, and doesn't give much of an incentive to go back and explore areas you've already been to.
~ The most expensive equipment you can buy ended up being underwhelming and not worth the time it took exploring to find enough coins to buy it with, but it's still entirely possible to play to the end without them without much trouble

All in all, it's genuinely not that bad. It's not without its flaws, but for the price of admission ($0.59 at a 90% discount) it's a fun action platformer. I hope the developer learns from this game and improves on the next game he makes in this genre (if he ever does).
Опубликовано 30 декабря 2016 г..
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