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投稿日: 2016年7月28日 16時52分
更新日: 2016年8月11日 8時55分

The original joke review has been removed for the sake of having more space for the actual review. It can be viewed here (shout-out to Tony for archiving it):


Edit on July 31st, 2016:
Okay, fun's over. Since no one else has reviewed it (at the time of writing), I'm giving it the recommendation it *should* have. It's a bad game. I know this, and you know this. Little to do, music is grating, models and environment just aren't appealing. I also actually got stuck behind one of the "mountains" because I accidentally teleported too far past it and couldn't teleport back. Only way to get back at this point is to delete my save, not that I'd be losing much to begin with.

Also, I recieved it for free as a joke gift. But the actual asking price is atrocious.

Anyway, dev, if you read this, please put more effort into the game. A fun game can look "bad" and still be fun (although in VR it's a different story, you should still make it look at least palatable). Make it unique and worth the asking price, don't just drop the bare minimum of assets and what constitutes a "game" into a scene, charge $6, and expect anything good to come of it. Ask the community for feedback, for help, just make it known that you're wanting to improve. Just put forth the effort and you can make a game you can be proud of, and worth the $6 price tag.

Until then, though, I do not recommend this game. It is not fun to play, nor is it even worth showing to friends and family. My 1.8 hours is from idling just to play off the joke review, which I really shouldn't have joked about in the first place.


Edit for August 11th, 2016:
It appears the dev actually took the criticisms to heart and actually improved the game, so I feel obligated to update my review once more to reflect the changes that were made. The creepy, lifeless cartoon rabbit from before has been replaced with a dog instead, which is a step up and a great replacement. You pick your dog from a cabin instead of pure darkness. The arbitrary gardening system was removed entirely, replaced now with just a food dispenser (although what happens when you inevitably run out of money remains a mystery to me, as there's no apparent way to regain this money nor have I played the update long enough to find out). The music has also been replaced; the original loop from before plays at the beginning but no longer plays through the entire game.
So do I recommend it? Despite the improvements, I still don't recommend it. While an improvement over the original, there's still much to be desired. The dog doesn't animate at all, the scenery is lacking in many regards, and right now you can only play fetch, wash it, and feed it. You just wait and respond to the next thought bubble. If you want to play fetch with a dog, you can play fetch with the robot dog from The Lab for free. There just isn't enough here to justify the price.
However, while I don't recommend the game, the dev has taken the criticisms well (from what I remembered seeing in the forums, at least). Personally I believe the fact that the dev is listening to feedback and is trying to improve the game is admirable. Unfortunately I think the decision to purge the forums for the new version of the game is questionable at best, and would have been a better decision to ask the users to see the newer version of the game instead of removing the criticisms from before the update.
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4 件のコメント
ForceKin 2017年8月9日 12時09分 
OMG, I just read the joke review and it was amazing. Well done, sir.
bear 2016年8月10日 0時37分 
Thank you.
Mucker_2202 2016年8月2日 14時49分 
I don't agree with your comment. I know a 'Tony' who is the salt of the earth. He drinks down my local and would do anything for anyone. He even know's how to code and has a VR games coming out next year. So please don't paint all Tony's with the same brush.

EDIT: Shit, sorry Tony's name is actually Mike
shirty 2016年7月29日 6時29分 
The moral of this story... never trust a Tony