C.E.L.L 8
The Emperor Protects /Tok-hi   Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada
For the Emperor!

Up into the overturned keel.
Clamber, with a heart of steel.
Cold is the ocean's spray.
When your death is on its way.
With maidens you have had your way.
Each must die some day!


I AM TOKHAI AND I EXISTED IN THIS REALM OF TIME, Hero to no one. I hate this realm and I pray for Allah The Lord Most High, The Beginning, self sustaining Omnipotent, Allah is not a man, nor the alien, nor a tree or star. Allah is the creator of all things, Allah is ever lasting the most merciful. There can only be one Allah and all are contingent upon his power. I pray for mercy and I pray that Allah forgives me for all my wrongs and faults and weaknesses. I do not wish to burn although if I was ordered to leap into the fire by Allah I would not hesitate. My only one true Emperor of all.
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*Recommend with a VR headset and joystick, honestly it's the only way to play this game.

So there I am flying my BF109-F4, following my wing leader and squadron. As we close into the cluster of Soviet bombers and escort fighters,I break off and ascend upon them like a hawk catching its prey. Tracer fire licks the air from the bombers tail gunners but it is hopeless in the face of German superior engineering. I laugh in schnitzel as my gun sight lead on target and my 20mm and twin MGs start barking back in response. My 20mm guns sheer through the body of the first PE-2 as one of its engines catch fire. I move on to the next looking for targets of opportunity in this cluster of absolute chaos. PE-2 Soviet planes start breaking off into random directions as the air is filled with plumes of smoke, oil, and burning metal. Tracer fire criss crossing in all directions while I meticulously viff left and right firing while listening to some ACDS through my Oculus quest 2. What more can I say its the most fun iv had in VR, leading targets through my gun sight while keeping my eyes on the various gauges, coolant, the ammo counter and making sure my engine does not over heat during these frantic dog fights.

Highly immersive with realistic damage physics. This game keeps getting better with every update. The Devs and the community are super passionate and will only add more as the years progress. The absolute best WWII air combat sim on the market. 10/10 can't recommend it enough.


Needs a brief tutorial on how to actually fly the plane. It is easy to figure out after a bit and YouTube tutorials help. Just needs one in game.
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Vergoth 8 apr, 2015 @ 20:05 
Looking for a Crew to play with on GTA 5? Join me on Wreaking Crew!
SolidSnake6107 19 apr, 2010 @ 19:50 
kav maga
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