Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 2
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Додано: 5 січ. 2021 о 0:24

Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
From what little I checked out I can't recommend this... The game physics feel off, seems like a broken alpha that was abandoned 2 years ago. Multiplayer might be a redeeming feature but I'm more inclined to believe that the physics and graphics would just make it a hard no when there are so many other good multiplayer games...
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Відповідь розробника:
HangedBunnyStudio  [розробник] Додано: 21 січ. 2021 о 2:22
Hello = )

Thank you for your review.

MBY is only a multiplayer game. The single player was required by people that wished to test it alone, but it was never intented to be a single player game. It was intented to be a multiplayer Megaman X, so there's Megaman X to play solo : p

I don't find graphics cool either, they're just... here because something need to be displayed and this program was intented to be a demo and not the final game, the reason why the early access status is still here.

But physics - mainly that triangle jump - is not going to change, it is actually the main reason the game please in convention, it is what makes the game fast and nervous. I hardly promote it because of its appeirence, but I can confidently tell you would have enjoyed a game with some friends.

Thanks again for you review. The next time I upgrade it, I hope you're gonna spend a few minutes looking for differences.
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