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0.0 h au cours des 2 dernières semaines / 127.3 h en tout (54.2 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Évaluation publiée le 13 févr. 2018 à 7h12
Mis à jour : 18 févr. 2018 à 8h33
Produit reçu gratuitement

Even though I'm not that far into the game yet, it is easily one of the best stories I've played so far.

Edit: 21 hours in it's still one of the best stories I've played. Witcher 3 had immense story and world design, but I was never as deeply immersed in the story as I am with Henry here.

Edit: 30 hours in it's still one of the most interesting and immersive stories I've played. However, I've cut down on the amount of side quests since they're not as interesting as the main story right now <3
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