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14 af 42 (33%) præstationer opnået:
Personlige præstationer

Everybody Gather Around

Kill 3 enemies with a single Time Blast.
Låst op: 5. feb. kl. 22:51

One Foot in Front of Another

Traverse a total of 100 meters using the Time Rush.
Låst op: 24. feb. kl. 22:31

Daylight Saving Time

Time Stop one hour's worth of accumulated time.
Låst op: 5. feb. kl. 23:07

Hold on to Your Hope and Burn

Complete Act 1.
Låst op: 2. feb. kl. 2:15

Not a Friendly Invitation

Complete Act 2.
Låst op: 21. feb. kl. 22:13

Mysterious Stranger

You met Beth Wilder, who could've shot you… but didn't.
Låst op: 2. feb. kl. 1:29

Manufactured by William Joyce

You found Will's original time machine.
Låst op: 18. feb. kl. 12:14

Something Fashionable

You got the chronon harness for Beth.
Låst op: 25. feb. kl. 22:36

Iron Fist

Paul chose the Hardline path for Monarch Solutions.
Låst op: 2. feb. kl. 2:26

Bigger Fish to Fry

Paul focused his energies on Monarch Solutions and his plan.
Låst op: 21. feb. kl. 22:29

Spreading Ripples

Watch a show episode with all of its Quantum Ripples unlocked.
Låst op: 3. feb. kl. 0:39

Chronon Surge

Upgrade a time power.
Låst op: 3. feb. kl. 0:39

A Link To The Future

Locate 1 Quantum Ripple and 1 Intel Item.
Låst op: 4. feb. kl. 12:44

Personal Space

Deflect a total of 200 bullets with the Time Shield.
Låst op: 5. feb. kl. 23:10

Focus. Aim. Pull.

Kill 10 enemies with a head shot while using Dodge Focus.
0 / 10

Frozen Lead

Use Time Stop to stack a total of 1000 bullets.
411 / 1,000

Break All the Toys

Destroy 15 enemy chronon harnesses.
4 / 15

Area Effect

Kill 15 enemies with environmental explosions.
11 / 15

Marketing Spiel

Sit a spell, take in Paul's presentation at the University.

Time Bandit

Complete the game on Casual Difficulty.

Time Cop

Complete the game on Normal Difficulty.

Time Lord

Complete the game on Hard Difficulty.

Stop / Go

Fully upgrade Time Stop or Time Dodge.

Such Upgrade

Fully upgrade all time powers.

Time Master

Complete 100% of the game. Find every hidden thing, make every choice. DO ALL THE THINGS.
45 / 100

Tossing Stones in a Pond

Trigger all Quantum Ripples.

Knowledge Is Power

Locate all Intel Items.

Media Baron

Find all e-mails, presentations, TV shows, radios and posters.

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