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9.3 horas nas 2 últimas semanas / 4,689.9 hrs em registo (561.1 horas no momento da análise)
Publicada: 29 jun. 2019 às 6:51

Even if the updates are slowing down, you never truly quit playing it forever. Here's to hopefully a good one coming soon, cause it'll need it regardless, and here's to all the years of friendships and fun this game has given me and thousands of others.
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3 comentários
Isabel Rodríguez 10 out. 2024 às 1:07 
OMG same! 😭 I've put so many hours in, it's crazy! I hope the next update is good, this game needs it!! 😩😩😩
JohnGeneLee 5 mai. 2020 às 5:56 
TF2 is amoung the few OG mega-hit valve games. Many including myself were introduced to steam and valve games through TF2. This game may be fading away, becoming a thing of the past, but it will always be a relic in the Valve and FPS gaming history. Nothing lasts forever.
Dom 2 jan. 2020 às 22:20 
man that's so cheesy