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86.7 hrs on record (75.3 hrs at review time)
Best fighting game release of 2023
Posted 21 November, 2023.
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12.9 hrs on record (6.3 hrs at review time)
the ninja cat's pretty fun
Posted 24 January, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
423.0 hrs on record (95.2 hrs at review time)
From a singleplayer point of view, this game is a lot of fun, lots of content and really you'll never get bored of it. There's a whole lot to do, whether it's farming, fighting new monsters, playing with friends, getting drunk at the canteen, fashion hunting, fishing,.. you name it. Plenty to do, you can very easily get over a thousand hours out of this game and still not get bored of it.

However the online portion of the game...
Capcom screwed co-op up. You HAVE to watch the monster cutscene BEFORE being able to send an SOS flare. And before your friends can join they also need to WATCH the cutscenes, which results in someone having to abandon the quest just to play with their friends... huge hassle, not enjoyable.

Here are the pros and cons I found in a list.



- Lots of replay value
- Extremely fun with friends
- Extremely fun alone
- Main story lasts quite a while (took me ~ 43h to finish it, as a veteran of the series)
- Great character customization
- New monsters will be added via free DLC and game updates, adding to the replay value.
- Game is a lot more casual compared to other MH games, making it easier to get into. Also a con for older players, read Cons for explanation.
- AMAZING soundtrack.


- Playing with friends is not enjoyable until you reach high rank. Unskippable cutscenes, and impossible to watch together. You must depart alone and then you can SOS flare for your friend(s) to join. This becomes much less of an issue in high rank where there's nearly no cutscenes anymore.
- Forced motion blur, DoF, mouse acceleration.
- Very CPU intensive.
- As of the time of writing, online mode is really unstable - check the EDIT for a temporary fix.
- Game is a lot more casual compared to other MH games, making it a bit too easy for people that have been following the series for a while. Gone are the moments where you can't sign up for a quest because you ran out of zenny, where you forget whetstones, potions, took the wrong weapon, etc.. Now all of those issues can quickly be solved, either within an expedition/quest itself or it's simply been removed (entry fee for quests). Also a pro, though overall it doesn't make the game less enjoyable to me, just more care-free.


Now, would I recommend it?

Despite its flaws, yes, absolutely. It's a game worth the premium 60€ price tag, and I recommend it vividly, the game is a huge sucess and there's a good reason behind it. No brainer of a purchase.

Thank you for reading.
Posted 10 August, 2018. Last edited 21 November, 2018.
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395.1 hrs on record (355.3 hrs at review time)
Posted 3 January, 2017. Last edited 25 November, 2021.
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