s key broken
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thanks. hello. whats up?
Kirjautunut ulos
s key broken 6.7. klo 9.39 
comes to someones profile to mald cuz they cant catch me lmao what a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ loser. even with dark orbs :steamfacepalm:... what, was that the *only* invasion you got all day cuz your precious dark souls 2 is a dead game? stfu ♥♥♥♥♥. guess what, dark souls 2 already fades to black if you alt f4, meaning they could have disabled it but they didnt, they physically let me quit the game, so guess what its a mechanic, come to my house and pry off my alt and f4 keys, too bad that would require you touching grass
caiofatal 6.7. klo 3.48 
of course, if you stopped running like a weakling...
s key broken 5.7. klo 23.05 
Spamming dark orbs in invasions :^) very original
caiofatal 5.7. klo 16.31 
Alt+F4 on dark souls 2, pathetic
ahahahahha lox
WatchmenWakeUpOnYT 22.1. klo 20.32 
Christmas and Easter are pagan holidays not commanded anywhere in the Bible. They serve other gods and we're breaking the ten commandments when we celebrate them so we gotta repent. If you read Romans 1:22-27, serving other gods is the reason why we're living in Sodom and Gomorrah right now.

Also check Ezekiel 20:19-21, the Sabbath is Saturday morning to Sunday morning and it's the sign between God and his people, so if you don't have that sign God is gonna pour out his fury upon you in tribulation.

And read Isaiah 66:15-17, people who eat unclean like pork and shellfish are going to be consumed by fire in the tribulation. So repent from eating this stuff.

And the Messiah's name isn't Jesus, it's Yeshua, he comes in the Father's name Yehovah. He warned us about another coming in his own name in John 5:42-43 because you don't have the love of God in you (the ten commandments - 1 John 5:2-3). (edited)
[5:39 PM]