Anakin Skywalker   Morro Bay, California, United States
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277 Hours played
I have over 300 hours combined on PS4 and Xbox One:

Far Cry 5 is one of the most beautiful games I have ever played in my life. It's bizarre, as I know many of the reviews are stringent towards it's story, it's gameplay, or it's mechanics. I won't speak of the graphics or the mechanics in terms of the PC as I have no playtime on PC for it, but I will speak of the story, gameplay, and essence of the game in general.

In terms of pure gameplay, it isn't recreating the wheel, or adding any new exceptionally fantastic mechanic. Far Cry's gameplay has remained relatively static since Far Cry 3. I personally enjoy the gunplay, and have always found it to be entertaining and fun to immerse yourself with. Taking on outposts silently, or guns blazing depending on your approach, I feel the game offers you the ability to do this however you want.

My most enjoyed aspect of pure gameplay would have to be flying, as I always enjoy planes in any form of open-world game, and the ability to soar over such a beautiful vista as the Western Montana wilderness presented to us in Hope County just reminds me of how beautiful that part of the country truly is.

The soundtrack is unbeliably phenomenal, as each of the cult's albums speak to a different part of my soul, and the general ambience of the landscape that will play as you're simply moseying in the wilderness. The cult has a series of songs in three different styles which represent each herald. John's region has typical Christian gospel choir-esque music, Faith's region has trippy, otherwordly, psychedlic, and angelic/heavenly melodies which speak directly to your soul, and Jacob's has a rock/country mix. Personally, Faith is my favorite as I simply am in love with her.

As for the story, I was enthralled. The level of detail put into the philosophies, ideologies, and fundamental undertones of Eden's Gate is phenomenal. On the surface, they appear to be a religious drug cartel and fanatic domestic terrorist insurrectionist group. Which, essentially, is what they are. But they aren't simply a generic bad guy faction, and the Far Cry series has always gifted us with thought-provoking friends and foes. To explain, I will delve into each Herald.

John Seed, to me, represented meaning through suffering. He is the "baptist" and marks, cleanses, administers a confession, and allows atonement for sin. Throughout his section of the game, the element of suffering is explored. That we attain purpose and meaning through our suffering, and through pain do we gain meaning in this life.

Jacob Seed, one with which I identify most, seems to represent meaning and purpose through strength, and devoting yourself to a stronger cause through a more martial approach to life, as well as through personal sacrifice. That by devoting yourself to something and sacrificing to it, you prove worthy and strong. He also adopts a very Ted Kaczynski philosophy of the modern world and of technology, claiming it has made the world weak, soft, and diseased, and only by returning to our natural state as animals, warriors, and predators can we achieve meaning and purpose, as well as survive.

Faith Seed. Arguably my favorite herald. Other than her mystifying, enthralling, seductive allure which anyone who's played this game has fallen for, she represents happiness. The search and ultimate goal for happiness we all want, and the lengths we are willing to go to to achieve it. Faith's story also has many dark twists and turns, and explores themes such as addiction, abuse, bullying, and our desire for escapism. The Bliss is a general allegory for the escapism we all desire to achieve some form of happiness and acceptance, as in the end, Faith only wanted to be accepted for who she is, and to be happy.

And finally, Joseph Seed. He believes in purpose through faith and family, and places an extreme emphasis on both. That by devoting ourselves to God and Family, we can be "chosen", and walk through Eden's Gate. In the end, Joseph simply wanted a family and was genuinely convinced of the righteousness of his cause, and wanted to protect his people and his family from what he perceived to be the inevitable Collapse.

John wanted to be understood.

Jacob wanted to be strong.

Faith wanted to be happy.

Joseph wanted a family.

There's so much deep storytelling and atmospheric ambiance and additions which truly make Far Cry 5 a masterpiece in my humble opinion, and it will go down as one of my favorite games of all time.
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