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Nedávné recenze uživatele wavybabe

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anyone complaining about difficulty is just butthurt that fromsoft is making everyone git guuder. We got so used to the bosses I think a lot of people forgot the first time they fought Margit. A lot of the later bosses in base game were just kinda easy imo, so its nice to finally get some true back to roots brutal content - which is incredible so far. I love the new weapon types and the map itself is an absolute marvel.

get gud guys, its ♥♥♥♥♥♥ sad to see negative reviews from people who fought the boss a few times and got so humiliated they want their money back. cmon guys, all your doing is letting everyone know ur backbone is less sturdy than the cute lil blue worm guys.

also the performance IS quite ass with anti-cheat on, so yeaaaah.. bad fromsoft
still highly recommend
Odesláno 23. června.
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86.6 hodin celkem (4.0 hodin v době psaní recenze)
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hell yeah. its like conan XL 6.9.

deducting 2 points for the lack of a penis slider. unlessss?
(wouldnt know cuz i havent made male yet tbh)

cant wait to tame a t-rex and find a good blood type for killing vampires.
Odesláno 31. května.
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16.1 hodin celkem (1.3 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Preface: I have only played around an hour and a half so far - unlocked some movement and combat abilities and made it through the somewhat lengthy intro, well into the beginning of the main game.

As of this point, I am completely and utterly enamored and will 100% reccomend to fans of the genre, especially if you also enjoy tight & precise combat. I will come back to complete my review after I finish the game, but WOW. This is already an extremely memorable and enjoyable experience. This is a perfect way to satiate my undying hunger for Silksong.

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ incredible. So excited to dive as deep as I can into this absolute gem

For the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ love of Yi and all that is Solsy... PLEASE FIX ELEVATORS. I literally love so much about this game, yet one single thing has caused me so much frustration - and maybe its just me being dumb ? ? ? but the elevators do NOT reset after dying, and do not have a call back button - so that place you just went to and died right after a gift item,,, guess what, the elevator IS STILL WHERE U LEFT IT... ok, end rant. other than this, for me, the game is honestly so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ incredible. it has scratched an itch that laid dormant since aeterna noctis, and elden ring.

This will be remembered, talked about, and highly praised. but these elevators are making my last 10 strands of hair fall out.

love u.

- wavy
Odesláno 29. května. Naposledy upraveno 30. května.
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12 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
1.3 hodin celkem (1.0 hodin v době psaní recenze)
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PLEASE provide colorblind support... this game is amazing, but my enjoyment is incredibly limited.

I'm not usually held back by my colorblindness in most games, but for some reason this game is incredibly rough for me. Minions and enemies look like the exact same color and its extremely annoying. I can only figure out who is who by realizing that either my attacks arent doing damage, or my heals arent healing. It sucks - and again, never have experienced it quite this bad.

Please let me change the color of enemies or something - or even make them a darker red.. idk, i am very much enjoying the game but this is killing it for me
Odesláno 17. května.
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117.2 hodin celkem (52.9 hodin v době psaní recenze)
i vant to suuuck ya bluuuud
Odesláno 9. května.
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6.6 hodin celkem (2.7 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Disregard my steam playtime, I have over 150 hours on ps4/ps5 version of this game and have completed all DLC and side content. This is my absolute favorite traditional souls-like game not developed by From Software (excluding 2D side-scrolling titles), and easily Team Ninja's best souls game.

When I first started playing this years ago, I had actually quit playing very early in the game after getting stuck at a certain unicorn lookin ass serpent boss. At some point, I told myself that I needed to just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ beat it... it took me many months of giving it one or two tries a week until I eventually beat it - and never will I forget that feeling of satisfaction, nor will I forget the piercing boss music.

anyway.. after that day, I finally was able to continue my journey and I didnt quit again until I eventually beat the game. There is a LOT of content, some repeat, but never felt stale. Between all the weapons, combos, equipment, enemy types, stances, skill trees, etc - it doesnt get any less satisfying. It has some of the best, most deep combat in the genre, and the art style to match.

Idk, its just ♥♥♥♥♥♥ fun... If you havent played for whatever reason - its worth it at full price, and teh PC version is easily the best.

11 rolling furballs out of 10

Odesláno 4. května.
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22.6 hodin celkem (7.7 hodin v době psaní recenze)

Fix the servers please. currently unable to play - which is a shame because it is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ incredible experience that deserves all the hype. DO not buy this right now because you will not make it past the login screen.

Still having some connection issues here and there but at least I am able to play now without fail - although I still occasionally experience a short wait during login (just wait it out).

All in all, this is such an incredible gem of a game. It scratches a specific itch with its high intensity, visceral gameplay - and provides quite a rush on higher difficulties. I also have to mention the unlockables, which are plentiful and masterfully designed. Its well worth the money - even with the network issues.

Grab 3 friends, a cup of liber-tea and enjoy the cathartic chaos.
Odesláno 17. února. Naposledy upraveno 18. února.
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68.7 hodin celkem (40.7 hodin v době psaní recenze)
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is gud
Odesláno 16. února.
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1 osoba ohodnotila tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
78.5 hodin celkem (3.0 hodin v době psaní recenze)
It says that it plays much better with a controller - but if you tab out and back in or even MOVE your mouse OR EVEN step away for a number of minutes THE CONTROLLER stops working. Easily fixed by rebooting the game..

the game itself is really fun and I am excited to keep playing even with the controller issues (and yes, I am still going to use the controller) but its just really annoying to deal with. Please fix - and I will gladly change to recommend :)

*I am using a dualsense ps5 controller hardwired*


changed my review - having controller issues a lot less frequently, but still occasionally happens. overall this game is so much fun and full of surprises. I will update my review when I finish the game but for now I would still highly reccommend!
Odesláno 3. února. Naposledy upraveno 3. února.
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1 osoba ohodnotila tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
45.4 hodin celkem (31.5 hodin v době psaní recenze)
I am still playing thru this gem of a remake - but wanted to put my recommendation in already.

So far, this is one of the most incredible 90's JRPG remakes I have played, stays true to the original game and also expands on it in the best ways. The upgrades to graphics have been talked about enough - it is absolutely gorgeous and it elevates the original graphics without compromising the style we all know and love.

The story is all here. Not much else to say. The mechanics too. I love the addition of fishing tbh, its really simple yet fun and matches the same vibe as the rest of the mechanics from the original - WHICH i will say are amazing. Its crazy to think this game came out a few decades ago and implemented the amount of complex systems they did. I feel like that doesnt really happen a lot anymore for RPGs.

anyway, im rambling.

if you are in anyway interested by the trailers or other reviews and even have a TWINGE of "i kinda wanna play this" - well YES, YOU SHOULD PLAY THIS... It is CLASSIC, ICONIC, HEARTWARMING, JAW DROPPING, HEART RACING, and just all around lovely.

take it all in, enjoy it - because we dont get games like this very often anymore.

yours truly
Odesláno 7. listopadu 2023.
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