
p0ptart の最近のレビュー

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総プレイ時間:17.4時間 (レビュー投稿時点:10.9時間)
Buying the standalone Reach portion of MCC is the most fun you can have with $10.

投稿日 2019年12月16日.
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総プレイ時間:8.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:3.9時間)
It's a great way to experience the simulators tire model, dynamic weather, and of course the performance. I'm not aware of the later builds of this demo, but the current one is perfect. You can play with all the weather, and setup settings. You also have a *decently* diverse selection of cars and tracks. I suggest trying out the MP4/8 in both the dry and wet on the Lazer Scanned Silverstone. Just take off the automatic shifts in the garage/setup menu, and then maybe experiment with the different tyre compounds along with the weather.

The reason why its so poorly reviewed is either because the previous updates were terrible, the game didn't support their wheels, or those people are too dumb to navigate the settings to turn things off/on.

投稿日 2019年6月26日.
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総プレイ時間:114.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:76.8時間)
After refunding this game on release day due to there being absolutely no fixes to the game after the beta optimization issues, how does the game stack up in November of 2017??

VISUALS: The atmosphere is amazing, feels just like you are in a Vietnam war movie. The game looks pretty dated most of the time, but the way it captures the atmosphere of vietnam makes me forget about it.

Gameplay: The gun play is amazing, one of the most authentic feeling recoil models out there. When it comes to the gamemodes, they are easy to understand, and makes it less challenging for new players to help their team. The one thing I don't like though, is the first person camera. I can't stand how much sway the gun has, makes the game feel as dated as the graphics. I get what they were trying to do, and make it feel more 'organic' or whatever, but this is what almost kept me from buying the game when I first saw it.

VEHICLES: The helicopters are done better than they are in BF3 or BF4. The controls are super similar to the battlefield series, but its less forgiving and harder to master (which is perfect for a game like this)

PERFORMANCE: This section is why I refunded the game back on release day. On this day, the optimization seems way better than it once was (constant microstuttering). However, I still get the very common FPS drops, with a 1070. If this game actually had visuals that looked like they were developed in the last 5 years, I could maybe cut it some slack. I don't understand how my GTX1070 and i5-6500 can handle Squad beautifully, but this game it faces a challenge. Them not being able to fix this issue is probably part of the reason the player numbers are so low.

Save your money and go buy Squad.
投稿日 2017年11月17日. 最終更新日 2018年12月11日
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総プレイ時間:226.2時間 (レビュー投稿時点:25.0時間)
If you have a wheel, want something realistic, and willing to learn, give this a go. Luckily, its real enough that if you have driven a car in real life before, the feel of the car should be aleast slightly familar to you. What makes this simulator different (and better) compared to other sims, is that every race feels like an actual race weekend. Practice, qualifying laps, and the full race is all there. Rookie class can be frustrating, but once you learn how to avoid being in wrecks, you will be out of the class in no time.

My only wish is that the devs of this game made a sequeal to this game that was cheaper to own, but I doubt that would ever happen. The subscription system and the fact you have to buy all the cars and tracks feels so outdated.

投稿日 2017年11月7日.
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総プレイ時間:19.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:16.1時間)
Amazing port compared to all the other COD PC games, runs smooth as butter. Even happens to be fun as ♥♥♥♥, ignore all the Battlefield fanboys in the reviews.

(Coming from a huge fan of the Battlefield series)
投稿日 2017年9月29日.
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総プレイ時間:211.5時間 (レビュー投稿時点:118.5時間)
It can either be the best chill game to play while listening to your favorite tunes, or the best comp game to play with your friends. Amazing.

投稿日 2017年9月13日.
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