Praise Gaben for this glorious platform.
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Изиграни 232 ч.
First off,
I will start my review by saying this is a very graphically intensive title. You need a powerhouse of a machine to run it with all the graphics settings maxed, keep in mind first off what this game is: A representation of the next generation of graphical fidelity and world detail. Also with that aside, its important to remember that this is a newly launched title. With that bugs and graphical artifacts are to be expected.

Now lets get into the story;
You play as V, a paid mercenary with a hunger for something beyond yourself. A burning desire to tread the path that leads to the top of all that Night City has to offer... Will you rise to the occasion? Or will you die in the bloody violence that enthralls the city? Thus far I've found the story excellent and highly engaging. Very fast paced and relatively easy to follow. This game does not hesitate to attempt to pull you in many directions all at once, and the decisions made earlier on in the game-play and throughout have an exponential impact upon the story. I would recommend you go into this game not expecting another AAA fps, but rather expect a heavily dialogue driven narrative, and a vast open world RPG with some shooting mechanics. Although it is important to remember: The combat is not the focus of this game, but rather the environment, characters, and adrenaline pumping narrative that takes center stage. CD Projekt Red did an excellent job building upon the already laid groundwork that Mike Pondsmith had laid out with the table top RPG. The world feels fully realized and fleshed out. Thus far I am entirely sold on the characters and the story so a solid 10/10 here...

The game mechanics at times can feel clunky in some of the systems, most notably the braindance segments and the hacking minigame. Shooting feels fluid and top notch, considering that is not the primary focus of this title. Driving? It feels very fluid and the vehicles handle excellently. I'd give this area a solid 8.8/10

Music and sound design:
Early on in the title I was awed by the attention to detail in not only the environment but the sounds that permeates it, the perfect example is early on in the game when you visit the ripper doc and have the Kiroshi tech optical implants installed: Victor throws a screwdriver and you actually hear it land on his desk. Its this attention to sound design that adds a whole new level of detail to an already vivid world. The music score feels nothing short of exemplary, in combat engagements the music score amps up with hard driving beats that can at times induce a level of panic in the player. Needless to say 10/10 there.

The Bad:
Optimization - This needs work, I noticed areas of the game where framerates would tank for seemingly no discernible reason. I have an RTX 2070 which in my mind should be able to run this game @ 1440p with RTX on medium, but alas it cannot. (not consistent 60fps)
Bugs - On billboards in particular I have noticed a banding artifact glitch that is persistent on all billboards of that specific brand. I've ran into the occasional tposer also in some instances. Occasionally the scanner ui will appear and cannot be dismissed, making any interaction next to impossible. I also noticed that areas reachable by the character had some really low res textures, and some textures were in places they had no right to be. Optimization and stability is a 6/10 at this time unfortunately.

Now I do realize this game is newly released and these issues will improve with time, Overall thus far I've had a wonderful time, really looking forward to see what CDPR does with this title. Highly recommend you play this game if you have the hardware for it. With the issues currently in the game I will rate it 8/10. I will come back to change this review once these are patched out. Otherwise looking past the small hiccups 9.9/10!
Darkblade71 27 дек. 2017 в 2:39 
*sip* c(_)