Jordan   Austin, Texas, United States
[My account got hacked around the end of 2011-January 2012. Apparently it was used to scam TF2 items. I really don't care about game items, or being accused of scamming, but damn-it-all the notification NEVER GOES AWAY, stating at all times I'm a terrible person and should be shot. ♥♥♥♥ off Steam employees. In the immortal words of Bart Simpson, "I didn't do it." That is all.]

I enjoy writing, aggressive driving, and killing things. Pretty typical these days, no?
Welcome to the insanity that is my page. Here you will endure 1000 times the torture that you would traversing the haunted grounds of Mars spacestation...or just a short paragaph stating such.


I'm currently trying to sate a hunger within my gaming life. That something could be an interesting, addictive and fast-paced FPS. Perhaps something else entirely. Co-op or competitive, I need something to play with friends, or at least awesome new people. Try to impress me with your suggestions, or simply ignore me. As a rule of thumb, ignoring me is always best. While I can play nice, that isn't going to happen 24/7. Sometimes, I'm just plain sarcastic. Deal with it, at least I don't troll. Oh wait, that's on my list. I've got to start trolling more.
Currently Offline
Currently trade banned
Char aznable 25 Feb, 2017 @ 3:19am 
< blank > 28 May, 2015 @ 6:20pm 
250 person lan party coming to Austin: http://www.magemakers.com