Teddy ❌ Trader
Tuan Anh Nguyen   Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Vietnamese trader
:csgoct: CS:GO / DotA2 player :d2invoker:
{ Group trade [www.facebook.com]}{ FB pro5 [www.facebook.com]}{ Business [www.facebook.com]}{ Steam Offer }
:Terra: Storage & Sticker Account : {THE VAULT} :RedNVAPin:
Currently Offline
Items Up For Trade
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Market Transactions
:JiPSGoodbye::JiPSGoodbye::JiPSGoodbye::JiPSGoodbye::JiPSGoodbye: TRẺ TRÂU NÊN ĐỌC TRƯỚC KHI LIÊN HỆ [www.facebook.com] :JiPSGoodbye::JiPSGoodbye::JiPSGoodbye::JiPSGoodbye::JiPSGoodbye:

:deadontarget::deadontarget::deadontarget::deadontarget::bot_i: ALBUM ITEMS UP FOR TRADE AND CUSTOMER'S FEEDBACK [www.facebook.com] :bot_i::deadontarget::deadontarget::deadontarget::deadontarget:

:present_emo::present_emo::aimhere: 365 days Give Away here : MY TRADING GROUP [www.facebook.com] :aimhere::present_emo::present_emo:

- - - - -:sheriff_atomy: :blazingflame: :necromancy: :g17grenade: :tdaglock: :skull_atomy: :d2bloodseeker: :d2brewmaster: :d2invoker: :d2naturesprophet: :headhunter: :tdaber: :stunbomb: :ankhheal: :hammerandsickle: :sheriff_atomy: - - - - -

:russtar: Willing to trade up or down everything in my inventory with little profit

:russtar: You can upgrade or downgrade your items but don't send me shit

:russtar: Trades are negotiable, just send me offer or chat in the comment below

:russtar: I only accept people after had nice trade, won't accept for disscussion too. Nego can be made in the comment

:russtar: Prefer keys when trading with foreigners. Or Paypal accepted if you're the one who go1st

:boneunderneath: All beggers and scammers will have to get lost

:heart_emo: Don't forget to leave a "+rep" in the comment after we had nice deal. I will too!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Thông tin giao dịch dành cho ae Việt Nam

Teddy ☣ Trader
Hotline :
Địa chỉ giao dịch trực tiếp :
☎ Store 1 : 231 Quang Trung - Tp. Thái Bình
☎️ Store 2 : Chính Kinh - Thanh Xuân - Hà Nội
☎️ Store 3 : 19D6 Thanh Xuân Bắc - Thanh Xuân - Hà Nội
:e2big: Mua nhanh bằng chuyển khoản sau 1 nốt nhạc hỗ trợ mọi ngân hàng
✈ Bán nhanh bằng nhận chuyển khoản, tiền nổi là hàng nổi
:spinnner: 0977973669 - Nguyễn Tuấn Anh Tài khoản MOMO
:isi: 3333333393 - Nguyễn Tuấn Anh Vietcombank TB_____ (Giao dịch chính)
:isi: 47110000489620 - Nguyễn Tuấn Anh BIDV TB__________ (TK phụ k gd)
:isi: 0102204486 - Nguyễn Tuấn Anh Đông Á TB____________ (TK phụ k gd)
:isi: 105005192063 - Nguyễn Tuấn Anh Vietinbank TB________ (TK phụ k gd)
:isi: 0102204486 - Nguyễn Tuấn Anh Đông Á TB (TK phụ k gd)________ (TK phụ k gd)
:isi: 7560100146003 - Nguyễn Tuấn Anh Military TB__________ (TK phụ k gd)

- Teddy -
Screenshot Showcase
Lose 1000$ is real!
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In Chat
Micage 2 Aug, 2024 @ 10:26am 
Let's score some wins today!
Skv1Zy 26 Jul, 2024 @ 11:40pm 
h3zt 23 Jan, 2024 @ 10:48am 
wanna sell my ak redline with rare sticker
real tense 16 Nov, 2023 @ 10:29am 
any chance you wanna trade something, not buy or sell but trade
ム patrick 121 6 Sep, 2023 @ 4:26am 
Hi, i've started a journey to get a knife. my goal is trade items till i get a knife. im starting with a Souvenir R8 Revolver / Desert Brush. Can you help me?
DaviD 29 Nov, 2022 @ 6:34am 
i wanna buy some skins, can you accept my friend request ?