Steph   Wisconsin, United States
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2.5 Hours played
I was given a copy of Overseer to stream by the publisher with the promise that I would give it a review after I played. This is my first review that I've done because I was asked personally and not because I felt like it but I wanted to give it a thorough examination.

Overall, my experience was very positive. Here's what I loved:
* It has a really cool pixel art style for the characters and enemies, as well as any attacks.
* Right away it recognized that I had a controller plugged in, and gave me an option to change to it. Not many games have that awareness and it is appreciated SO MUCH.
* There are currently two characters and they have very different feels and mechanics. The warrior is encouraged to be 'in your face' with his skill set. He does have a long range attack (which is mostly what I used) and has great attack scaling options that make him a glass cannon. The Wizard is the current ranger and his main attacks are much weaker but his aoe is DEVASTATING. There is a third character, the archer, in development currently, as well as spaces in the tavern for six additional characters yet to be revealed.
* The button layout is simple and intuitive. Your main attacks are on mouse 1 and mouse 2, while your spells and skills are on shift, q and r. Interact is e, and movement is wsad.

This is early access however and some things do need to be fixed.
* The trap hitboxes and geometry are both kind of wonky in places. I would get stuck on the spinning maces or they would shove me into a fountain causing me to have to end my run. I could also be shoved into fountains by enemies. Occasionally I would get stuck on a corner of a wall in the dungeon. It was mildly annoying and kind of disappointing that I'd have to end an otherwise promising run early.
* There is a typo with blood rage's skill description
*I noticed about 60% of the time when a run would end, the game would lag out and start frame skipping to the point of eventually crashing the game if you did not exit and restart when it started.

I would also like to see some things added in the future. I fully realize that many of these things may be coming in a future update.
*I would like to see longer dungeons and more variety of items/monsters/traps within the dungeons. Currently there is only one dungeon with 3-4 floors plus a boss.
* More soundtrack tracks. Currently each area has one track and they're REALLY GOOD. I would love to see more tracks added, even just a second one per area to give us a little more variety.
* I would like to see an item compendium and bestiary with stats on how many times you have acquired each item or killed each monster.
* money and keys to save between game starts. Currently if you close the game window the money and keys disappear entirely.

Even though I received this game for free, the question has to be asked. Is it worth the 6 dollar price point?
If you believe, like I do, that this game is going to continue to be added to, made more and more complex and take feedback from the players to heart, then yes it is. I had a lot of fun with the game even in its current state.

If you want a fully finished game out of the box, or something *close* to finished out of the box, then wait. There's a lot left to fix and implement and a certain level of risk is involved. I 100% understand if you aren't willing to take that risk.
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