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Just buy Dragon's Dogma instead for 5$
Публикувана 25 юни 2022.
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0.6 изиграни часа
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
3d medieval Rimworld-like game? Given enough mod support this will become the next big thing, that fills a craving otherwise only dwarf fortress can satisfy. Bought to support the development, tried for half an hour to confirm the ground work is being carried out. Yes
Публикувана 6 юни 2021.
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Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“

3 heroes, 2 AP per round, 4 skills per hero with upgrades and a relic. Add magic, cover, overwatch, plenty of status effects, some minor resource management on top and you can see it offers quite a lot for 20$.
No, it is no match for a fully modded war of the chosen, but it is a solid early access with a lot of potential. Well above average in this forgotten genre.
Публикувана 11 май 2021. Последно редактирана 13 май 2021.
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5.9 изиграни часа
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
Good idea for a casual game with some mild grotesque elements, sloppy and lazy execution.

"You must get into the school and save your friend! Click INVESTIGATE DOWNTOWN (not school) to do so." You will get a loading screen of - Investigating the library - This will make you find the cursed toilet on the third floor of the school. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ smooth.
Coupled with borked ingrish it will kill any chance at immersion.

The creator is a a Pole who speaks Japanese, commendable, English would be a great addition; the fanboys will definitely help him for free. Even with that aid the game requires some serious polish.

Considering the game is a corridor and quite easy to complete there isn't much replay value either. It's not a terrible 10$ pickup, but let's not support lazy and rushed.
Публикувана 28 март 2020. Последно редактирана 28 март 2020.
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147.2 изиграни часа (3.2 часа по време на рецензията)
The game received some controversial big patch, and the entire community went bonkers. While it is right and proper to boycott certain actions by the devs, those negative review bombs will achieve an unwanted result - the decline and possible death of yet another *great* Warhammer title. Killing a game because you didn't like a patch is ridiculous and the game is ABSOLUTELY worth the full prize asked. Does it look like fun on the gameplay video? Then it is the game for you.

Very good drop in and out co-op system too, that will get you through the low-mid difficulties with a bunch of randoms.

Yes, some late game ridiculousness was added, some builds nerfed and some aspects changed not to the liking of the community, it will affect you and it won't be fun. But first you need to get there, which will give you many hours of absolute joy.
Notice how every ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ person who downvotes vermintide has a few HUNDRED hours played. The testiment that it is very much worth playing. Hurt princelings all.
Публикувана 29 октомври 2019.
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Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
This title looks incredibly promising, and yet i cannot help but fear that it will just die somewhere along the way.. or worse.. get rushed.

In the few hours it offers right now it surpasses even the fallouts of old in amount of options and ways of approach.
In the few hours it offers it presents you with choices, and forces you to face the consequences of your actions (and unlike most games it's not just +1 karma vs +10 credits. ♥♥♥♥ those games)
In the few hours it offers a promise of great things, setting an incredibly deep and detailed base that i do not believe *can* be kept in an indie title for 30$.

Thumbs up for sparking up hope. I recommend buying it, even though right now you get ♥♥♥♥-all worth for your money (5h to 100% it), other than hope. But the controls are crisp, the interface clean, the music fitting and the world vibrant enough to warrant it. It's fair, it's ruled by a set of laws and it works. How often can you say all that about most of the garbage coming out in the last few years?
Публикувана 29 септември 2019.
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14.7 изиграни часа (7.1 часа по време на рецензията)
The experiment to turn traditional CCG economies was a bold one, but it just doesn't work ; there is currently absolutely no reason to play the game. There is no progression, no sense of direction or goal to be had. It's as if Half Life 2 was a sandbox wave survival shooter. The guns are cool! The movements, physics, system - all great! Yet the game itself is boring.

The mechanics in Artifact, the lane / hero system with multiple phases is incredibly fun! It is an awesome card system in a garbage economy package with nothing to do.

The review is a very regretful "♥♥♥♥ no". For now. Valve can make it work.. They really can... God only knows what happened to make them release this unstructured pre-alpha.
Публикувана 14 декември 2018.
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94.2 изиграни часа
This is a review after beating the game once, and trying out nearly all of the builds. Beware its length.

I have followed Underrail for quite a long time, since before the oddity system, since before the skill overhauls, since before the plot was added and since combat was balanced---- No. The last two have never happened, and since it's time for the expansion, it seems not that they will.

Here's the thing; the game has a very realistic approach to hostile, robot-mutant-spider-tentaclegod-filled wastelands, which makes death pretty easy - commendable! Unfortunately for some, it makes the game seem like it requires excessive min-maxing to be able to beat it, and that very few builds can actually do well in it.
That is partially true, as the game has a massive spike in difficulty around a certain trash-filled area, which will END many of the playthroughs right then and there.

The problem is, that very soon after (and if you know the game well, BEFORE that area) your character also becomes a god of insta-death and destruction, that ends entire encounters without enemies being able to *attempt* a single shot.
Good ideas of traps, combat-stealth and general maneuvering were not met with the AI using anything other than
1. Charge enemy
2. Hit enemy (which for many builds ends in a death)
Resulting in an incredibly predictable and dull combat system, that ends very quickly either way. Not really something that will keep everyone interested in the game, and thusly not its strong point, alas.

Which leads to plot. Behold, for spoilers are ahead!

Nobody ever asks, mentions or hints at what caused the world to be this way, until two thirds in the game (at least 20 hours, if your pace is really good). One could say, that perhaps it has happened so long ago, that it's not a common topic anyway... If not for the constant fight for survival and presence of pre-unnamed-disaster technology!
You are admitted to a station, which is a safe haven, and are requested to do things. About 3 missions in, they turn from capturing small criters into cages, to fighting armies of super mutants to retrieve ancient technology, alone.

Then you proceed clearing the entire world of bandits, mutants, robots, spiders, mutant robots, spider bandits etc. while getting sent to new places every time to first find out why bad-evil-guys are invading, then look for the item that causes them to invade, finally follow OTHER super-evil-guys to retrieve the item for the initial bad-evil-guys, all the while without a single line of text that wasn't gobbled up by RPGmaker templates. Half the time your only lead comes from a grade C comic-relief npc that needs to be constantly fed frogburgers, and uses one of the 14 portraits shared by all characters in the game.

There are many plot-locked doors made of sticks that you cannot open in any way, until plot decides it's time, meanwhile you're lockpicking AREA52 as a side quest and blowing walls up with explosives, but not plot walls, no.

It's an open-world-corridor, and only hardcore fans of post-apocalypse games will be able to get any enjoyment out of it.

But it's not all bad, most of the side, optional areas are done pretty well, with decent - although scarce - writing and plentiful references to all the cartoons the dev watched when he was younger. It's also cheap, and for 15 bucks (7 whenever it goes on sale) it might be just the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ bollywood movie alternative you were looking for, when you are too drunk to apreciate the hard work put into serious titles.
Публикувана 24 юни 2017. Последно редактирана 24 юни 2017.
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112.6 изиграни часа (25.3 часа по време на рецензията)
Civ 6 is DEFINITELY worth a purchase, just not quite yet.

The Good

The game has undergone massive improvements and built on the previous Civ's in only positive ways. It's visually pleasing, well voiced, intuitive in its interface and has resolved many of the previous idiotic issues the series had in the past - such as global happiness. It is by far the best state a Civ was released in the recent years and certainly a solid foundation to build on.

The Bad

Unfortunately many of the - one would think - mandatory and essential mechanical informations about certain buildings or agents (even wonders) are only accessible through the in-game civ-pedia, rather than a mouseover and many of the early placement and development decisions will have late game consequences, which you will only learn about in the late game - in that aspect it requres a few playthroughs before you can fully optimize everything...

The Ugly..

But you really don't need to quite yet, the AI is the absolutely and utterly worst to date with regards to diplomacy and warmongering. Much like in early Total War games, your long-term friend and ally can decide - after a thousand years of peace and cooperation - to declare a war, despite there being no relation penalties. The wars and denouncements come out of the blue and seem to be largely tied to the difficulty, rather than any logical or reasonable system. It's not tied to the numbers the game shows at the relations screen, nor is it tied to personalities. They will demand tributes from you, as you are infinitely ahead, they will denounce you despite long lasting friendships and they will declare wars..
And then the AI will get slaughtered due to complete ineptitude at actually handling their units near ANY terrain difficulty, be it a shore, a mountain or a city.

To beat the game on deity, marathon in the first try is the testiment of just how moronic the AI is, the main difficulty of the game are - at the time of this writing - the bloody BARBARIANS.

The first issue is easy to patch, the latter and more important one - AI - will probably take some time. Once that is done, you will have by far the best CIV to date. Before that, it unfortunately doesn't feel quite like a CIV, and more like a tower defense against bloodthirsty and mindless hordes with a broad research and development tree.
Публикувана 26 октомври 2016. Последно редактирана 26 октомври 2016.
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