Vlad   Moscow, Moscow City, Russian Federation
Resolution 2560 x 1440(16:9)
Refresh rate: 144 hz
Sensitivity: 3.14
Currently Offline
"Vad är en formel, är det typ en sån här funktion?" Matte the scientist
"I am ♥♥♥"- Weird french man making his way to the team
"He pulled out the big D on me" Eci pushing an awper who switched to deagle
Matte: "What gender are you" 12 year old: "Poland??"
"Hippity hoppity your MVP is my property" - Charlie stealing kills from Matte
"Jag är bossen i bögen ja" - Matte raping in TFT
"Why I given smoke" - Russian
"Don't worry I am the Alpha ♥♥♥♥♥♥"- Dink
"I thought you were a boat" - Charlie confused
Matte: "if we combine our souls we would be so pro" Charlie: "The only way to do that is anal penetration" Matte: "That would be so fun"
"Mine head is actually explode" - Tired finn(Zsak) at 6 am
Random Finn discovering enemy: "RAMPAAA"
Russian trying to call defualt: "STANDARD"
"You're reaction are broken Green(me)"
"Just ♥♥♥♥ em til they cry" - ImHolmesyy
"Ready to derank, ready to go, ready to play some csgo" -Matte getting ready to play MM
"This ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Snigel(Matte) can run" - Random russian in bhop hide seek
"Why could the jew not reach MG, he did not want to give away his gold" - me
"When we push they we can kill they, THINK" - Smart russian
"We may not move fast but we move as one, United" -Snailhogs(snigelkotte) attack
"You Cowad your last Bunga" -Mad russian
"Do not fear autism is here" - Retarded Matte joining the discord call
"I belong among the other animals on Zoo." - Eci
”I am beating it but it just won’t grow :(” - horny 12 year old playing minecraft.
"It's only one russian what could go wrong" - My last words in a 4 man queue
"We are so cool that we only play Subzero"
"Hippity hoppity I can not hold B-Site properly" -Me
"2 peekade mig så jag sköt imellan dem"- Mathias när han int kunde bestämmde sig för vem att skjuta
"Rexid you little ♥♥♥♥♥idiot why you try to be clown for your team" - Polish ♥♥♥♥♥♥
"Två par solglassögon och en samsung mobil från 2010, slå den libtard" - Denis
*Door closing* "♥♥♥♥ jag är på toa" *Puts down headset* "Vänta hur fan mutar man en mic"
"Jag sprider autism vart jag än går" Denis
"Vem fan kom på matte, nån jävla grekjävel ska jag fan ta" Denis kvällen innan ett matteprov
"Should I ask him if he wants to be my bomb ♥♥♥♥♥" - Charlie hitting on russians in cs
"are i peek?" - Confused russian
"I am ruin.... my name is nightfall and I ruin ur game" Titled russian
KATRE. 16 Feb @ 2:32pm 
Nice player
exul 3 Feb @ 5:03am 
s1monade 11 Mar, 2021 @ 5:34am 
WZH in csgo
🤙bratka🤙 10 Mar, 2021 @ 9:01am 
Даун с читами на запретной зоне
Judge ♡ 10 Mar, 2021 @ 8:56am 
Endelüm 23 Nov, 2020 @ 4:34am 
Wallhacking Cheater (: