Timp de joc în ultimele 2 săptămâni:

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0 din 16 (0%) realizări obținute:
Realizări personale

First Try

Take the key on your first try

I want to know more

Read all lores of Chapter 1

I've seen it all

Seen all the deaths

Let's do it again!

Fell to your death 10 times


Climbed to the top in less than 3 tries

Now I know

Read all lores of the creature

Super girl

Finish the game without dying

All endings

Get all endings

The good ending

Get the good ending

The bad ending

Get the bad ending

The lore-lover

Read all lores

Track Star

Outrun the surgeons on your first try

Needle pillow

Died 10 times by the needle of meat monster

Tradition learner

Finish all Mongolian traditional games

Puzzle master

Finish the all puzzles

Untold story

Find all children's items