Ed Brannin   Rochester, New York, United States
Catholic, Father, Programmer, Gamer.
Currently In-Game
Hardspace: Shipbreaker
Review Showcase
301 Hours played
TL;DR 10/10 will try in vain to save everyone again.


If all your generators and batteries explode and everyone is at risk of heat stroke, and you tell someone to emergency-deconstruct a wall to let some heat out, make sure to have them do it _from the outside_.

RIP Kapelsen & Kimmy.

Also, remember not to rush straight into a refugee rescue, and bring more than two people. There might be a pack of man-hunting Gazelles waiting in ambush.

RIP Priscilla.

The story:

Rimworld, unlike DF (AFAIK) lets you send caravans across the overworld, and sometimes has events that encourage travel. The first time I ever responded to "incapacitated refugee", there were some non-enraged dangerous things nearby and I just walled them off.

This time, there was a herd of manhunting gazelles who promptly downed my two colonists (including Priscilla, one of our two doctors). I sent 4 more colonists to the rescue, leaving Kimmy (our other doctor) & Kapelsen to hold down the fort.

While the caravan was on its way, Priscilla recovered enough to stand up and was promptly killed by the gazelles. Thankfully her companion stayed down long enough for the rescue party to arrive and stop the animals.

The incapacitated refugee also died while the rescue was on its way.

While they were getting ready to come back, a raid attacked our home. I had a trap-lined corridor for enemies to approach from, so I figured it should be OK.

It was not OK. While I was getting the rescue party on its way back home, I left the home colony alone too long. When I looked back, the raiders had broken through a wall to bypass the traps and were setting things on fire all over the inside of the base.

I immediately draft K&K, manage to fight off the raid but Kapelsen was downed and things were on fire. Kimmy puts her companion in a hospital bed and starts trying to put out the fires, but the chemfuel explodes and all our generators are on fire. There's just no way for one person to fix it all -- and the internal temperature is approaching 200 C -- so it's time to give up and work on fixing the temperature problem. Kapelsen's hospital room has an external wall and she's getting heatstroke at 30 degrees C, so I tell Kimmy to knock down that wall -- but she tries to do it from inside and collapses with heatstroke before finishing. They both die soon after.

The caravan returns, cleans up and manages to build a few new generators with the components Priscilla had bought on her way to the rescue. We build sarcophagi for those who died and bury them. I don't notice for too long that we're out of food and all the good cooks are dead. We manage to hunt a few meals of food, but there aren't many herds around. Ayaka has a mental break and starts setting things on fire. I disarm someone and have them try to arrest her, but Ayaka hoes berserk and kills her. Everyone else tries to stay away and wait it out, but her rage continues until we can't wait any longer and fight back. Ayaka does not survive her injuries.

The last couple survivors build enough sarcophagi for themselves, and they are filled pretty quickly as the tantrum spiral progresses. Eventually only Minoru survives, but he has a mental break and wanders into a herd of manhunting elk. Losing is fun!
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peter.mottola 18 Jan, 2016 @ 12:34pm 
I get an arbitrary intra-Steam achievement for writing on your wall.
petrdzinda 27 Nov, 2012 @ 2:46pm 
Great trader! +rep
Sporkmonger 17 Sep, 2012 @ 9:32am 
@LordTheRon Nope, Legends of Pegasus is terrible.
Sporkmonger 17 Sep, 2012 @ 9:31am 
6.5 hours already? <steeples fingers> Ehhhhhxcellent!
LordTheRon 24 Aug, 2012 @ 2:23pm 
Endless Space is now playable on Mac!
LordTheRon 8 Aug, 2012 @ 3:49am 
Gonna check out Legends of Pegasus too? I'm gonna wait for the first impressions but it looks very promising.