Astana, Kazakhstan
Hi, you come across a profile S7rikeDesign :steamhappy:
:slscream: Best Servers :
:toadPepe: Public : connect
:toadPepe: Public №2 : connect
:toadPepe: Pistols : connect
:toadPepe: Pistols №2 : connect
:toadPepe: ECDM : connect
:toadPepe: DM : connect
:toadPepe: Idle : connect
:BalloonHero: Silver 1 : ✔
:BalloonHero: Silver 2 : ✔
:BalloonHero: Silver 3 : ✔
:BalloonHero: Silver 4 : ✔
:BalloonHero: Silver Elite : ✔
:BalloonHero: Silver Elite Master : ✔
:BalloonHero: Gold Nova 1 :✔
:BalloonHero: Gold Nova 2 : ✔
:BalloonHero: Gold Nova 3 :✔
:BalloonHero: Gold Nova Master : ✔
:BalloonHero: Master Guardian 1 :✔
:BalloonHero: Master Guardian 2 : ✔
:BalloonHero: Master Guardian Elite : ✔
:BalloonHero: Distinguished Master Guardian : ✔
:BalloonHero: Legendary Eagle : ✔
:BalloonHero: Legendary Eagle Master : ✔
:BalloonHero: Supreme Master First Class : ✔
:BalloonHero: The Global Elite : ✔
:JustGo: RULES
:csgoglobe: If you send me a trade offer with 1 Key and a message like, Sign my profile please, I'm a big fan I love you guys <3 You will get Main priority, a +Rep and a nice message from me! You will be signed Immediately when I'm online(There is a certain amount of comments I can write per day. So if I don't sign you immediately, you'll be the 1st one I will sign the next morning).
:csgoglobe: If I'm trading with real money YOU always go first, no discussion possible.
:csgoglobe: Do not try to tell me that I'm probably a scammer while we are trading. Look at my profile and everything around it for proof.
:csgoglobe: Telling me I'm a scammer will immediately close the deal. I hate scammers do not call me one and do not accuse me of this because I would never do such a thing!
:csgoglobe: Do not add me if you are level 5 or under or with a private profile, I will not respond.
:csgoglobe: Do not ask me to sign your profile if your profile or comments are private.
:csgoglobe: Do not give me weird trade offers.
:csgoglobe: Do not spam in my comments or spam invites while I ignored your friend apply.
:csgoglobe: I will only CONSIDER adding people who have 10+ friends in common or those who I know through someone else. ADDING ME ON FACEIT OR ESEA IS FINE!
:csgoglobe: Do not send me weird links, I will not open or view them and block you immediately.

:csgoglobe: Name : Denis
:csgoglobe: Age : ----
:csgoglobe: Country : Kazakhstan
:csgoglobe: Games : Counter-Strike : Global Offensive :csgoanarchist:
:csgoglobe: Team : -----
:csgoglobe: Favourite Weapons : AK-47 / M4A1-S
:csgoglobe: Favourite Map : de_mirage
:csgoglobe: Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/s7rike666
:csgoglobe: Faceit : https://www.faceit.com/en/players/S7rikeDesign
:csgoglobe: YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7Bbacpxgh5TNs0rLNq_AIw

:csgoglobe: Config : {链接已删除}
:csgoglobe: Ingame Resolution : 4:3 - 1280x720 no black borders
:csgoglobe: Detail Settings : All Low or Very Low
:csgoglobe: Mouse Sensitivity : 1.80
:csgoglobe: Mouse DPI : 800 DPI
:csgoglobe: Mouse Acceleration : OFF
:csgoglobe: Raw Input : OFF
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