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投稿日: 2016年12月27日 5時04分
更新日: 2021年11月30日 14時19分

When I first got this game I was kind of scared of playing PvP. Coming from csgo I didn't want to be raged at or kicked as a newbie.
But truth be told the community here is amazing!
The community embraces you as much as you embrace siege.

Coming to gameplay. Every aspect is perfectly balanced, as of now not a single operator is a must pick,sure some make your job easier,but every operator is perfectly balanced.

Every bit of equipment,customizations, skins and even charms can be bought just by earning money in game. (Except the premium dlc and I'm okay with that as it makes money for the devs)

I'm really happy the way the devs went with the season pass as well.
Sure it offers all the DLC operators for free but for people who don't have the money,new dlc operators can be bought with renown as well.

The season pass makes the holder neither op or give him/her an advantage.its just a few perks given to get some cosmetic customization faster.

I can't recommend this game enough at this stage. Rainbow six siege has another whole year of content planned. Its here growing and it will stay.

Get in on the rainbow six experience, you'll never go back to csgo again (at least I didn't)
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13 件のコメント
city kitty | secwet mew agent 2019年1月18日 2時32分 
Blr gm kla mltk
Floppy 2017年1月23日 9時08分 
imho R6 and CSGO are nothing alike, the weapon handling is vastly different and the maps (one is static the other destructible) and many other points make them unique and enjoyable in their own ways.
StrideR 2017年1月23日 7時58分 
No I'm actually watching the majors :p
Actually I gave more thought and its not fair to compare both games.
aaa 2017年1月17日 12時35分 
I never ever played Rainbox Six Siege, cause you know no money no that good computer but what I senn on YouTube and comments it seems pretty cool game, now, what I saw in youre comment StrideR is that you will never come back to CS:GO, now, believe CS community can and will be great again. Just dont leave the game man. Please. Dont.
Floppy 2017年1月1日 8時11分 
Valkyrie basically is a must pick in ranked (imo)
Meow 2016年12月30日 17時00分 
Brand new to the game, about 7 hours (bunch of afk time in gametime) under my belt in the last 3 days. Havn't been raged at once (and Im pretty bad). Only gotten tips from teammates. Its been a great experience.
i'm schizophrenic and i've a gun 2016年12月29日 12時01分 
agree rainbow six siege is so good
jehu 2016年12月28日 15時07分 
wow thats huge!
StrideR 2016年12月28日 15時05分 
Ah! Well hr got a shield with 500 HP on his turret covering his front and sides.
jehu 2016年12月28日 14時44分 
oh i did not know about that buff lel