Nada informado.
Off-line 12 de fev. às 14:46 
-rep ez game stop talking when u lose anyway go k y s pls nobody likes you anyway
Knee gas 12 de fev. às 14:46 
-rep he was flaming us for being bad and he lost tf kekwekewkwekwe
flarpzzbtw 7/jul./2023 às 14:51 
tryhard animal(((((((((
Jyrix 27/mar./2023 às 7:30 
-rep wingman tryhards cmon guys
Wolf 30/out./2022 às 10:50 
IM DELETING YOU, DADDY!😭👋 ██]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 10% complete..... ████]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 35% complete.... ███████]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 60% complete.... ███████████] 99% complete..... 🚫ERROR!🚫 💯True💯 Daddies are irreplaceable 💖I could never delete you Daddy!💖 Send this to ten other 👪Daddies👪 who give you 💦cummies💦 Or never get called ☁️squishy☁️ again❌❌😬😬❌❌ If you get 0 Back: no cummies for you 🚫🚫👿 3 back: you're squishy☁️💦 5 back: you're daddy's kitten😽👼💦 10+ back: Daddy
76561199004429660 6/out./2022 às 4:27 
hello, added