California, United States
Hey friends, come hang out with me on Twitch!
My Twitch stream:
(Games, indie games, giveaways, conversation, positive thought-of-the-day)
Geek & Sundry Twitch stream:
(Fun, chaos, games, Just Dance, Rock Band, Indiecade board games)

현재 오프라인
rogue13 2016년 3월 2일 오후 2시 07분 
Congratulations on surviving Outlast with your sanity intact (at least as much as it was before you started) and only a few sleepless nights. #RedBarrelsOfLaughs :)
rogue13 2015년 12월 28일 오전 6시 55분 
Congratulations on finishing Life is Strange #ChooseLove :)