!Steaмlvl.com Summer Sets
• link to support - Steam chat :Speech_Love:
Currently Offline
Steaмlvl.com Sale Sets Information
► !LANG = Change the bot language.
► !PRICES = Shows my current rates.
► !RANK = Shows your steam level rank (World / Region / Country).
► !LEVEL (your_dream_level) = Will check how many card sets you need to reach desired level.
► !CHECK = Checks how many card sets you can buy.

TF2 section:
► !CHECKTF (amount_of_keys) = Shows how many card sets and what level you would reach for a specific amount of TF2 keys.
► !BUYTF (amount_of_keys) = Buy uncrafted card sets for a specific amount of TF2 Keys.

TOD section:
► !CHECKTOD (amount_of_tickets) = Shows how many card sets and what level you would reach for a specific amount of TOD tickets.
► !BUYTOD (amount_of_tickets) = Buy uncrafted card sets for a specific amount of TOD tickets.

CSGO section:
► !CHECKCSGO (amount_of_keys) = Shows how many card sets and what level you would reach for a specific amount of CSGO keys.
► !BUYCSGO (amount_of_keys) = Buy uncrafted card sets for a specific amount of CS:GO Keys.

Hydra section:
► !CHECKHYDRA (amount_of_keys) = Shows how many card sets and what level you would reach for a specific amount of HYDRA keys.
► !BUYHYDRA (amount_of_keys) = Buy uncrafted card sets for a specific amount of HYDRA Keys.

GEMS section:
► !CHECKGEMS (amount_of_gems) = Shows how many card sets and what level you would reach for a specific amount of Gems.
► !BUYGEMS (amount_of_sets) = Buy a specific amount of uncrafted card sets for Gems.
Items Up For Trade
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Market Transactions
alex 2 Mar @ 3:22pm 
feel free to join my group bro https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/groups/420kq
jL 10 Feb @ 10:41am 
⣷⣦⠤⡀⠀           ⢀⣀⣠⣤
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jL 10 Feb @ 4:39am 
jL 4 Feb @ 11:23am 
jL 31 Jan @ 11:37am 
jL 27 Jan @ 5:54am 

Copy&Paste one of these OR write whatever you want and I will rep you back 100% i'm online now

+rep Friendly person💢
+rep Great Player 💛
+rep Amazing Tactics 👌
+rep Fast trade🔪
+rep Sign my profile 💜
+rep Top Player 🔝
+rep Thanks For Carry 👍
+rep Epic Comeback 👏
+rep Great Teammate 🎮
+rep sign me pls 💛
+rep Epic Clutch ✌
+rep Insane Skills 👌