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Sponge Lung   Siyabuswa, Mpumalanga, South Africa
░▀▀░▀▀░░▀▀▀░░▀▀▀░░▀▀░░On the daily!

>Until my body ceases to live, marijuana will flow through my blood.
>PC Gamer first.

AVA: Trollfest.
Dead Island: Bug out and lose entire characters.
Portal 1 & 2: Two plus two is… ten. In base four! I'm fine!
BF3: Letdown
Blacklight: Retribution: Great for free.
Counterstrike: Surfing and Gungames. CS 1.6 is best.
DDO: Time sink.
Fallout 3+: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ amazing. What else can be said?
Garry's Mod: A Troll's paradise.
Half Life 1 & 2: Epic, EPIC ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ story.
Magicka: Great fun with friends.
Vindictus: God of War style MMO Hack & Slash RPG. FUN.
Diablo 1, 2, & 3: ♥♥♥♥... Classic.
WoW: 6 year veteran. Mage only.
Elder Scrolls: Skyrim: One of the best games I've ever played. I'll log atleast 200 hours.
Trackmania: Fun in short bursts or with friends. Making tracks is hella fun.
Bioshock 1 & 2: Heart-wrenching storyline.
Dead Space 1 & 2: See above, and add about 1000x more gore.
Realm of the Mad God: 2D Hardcore MMORPG. Die once, lose everything. My style.
Left 4 Dead 1 & 2: Frustrating trying to play with anything other than 3 friends to play with.
Memorable Quotes:
-> "There's always a needle in Bill White!"
-> "I didn't even know Mexico had Internet."
-> "Trololololololololololololo..."
-> "Yo I heard you liked..."
-> "Hey. Hey Billy. Got any Reef?"
-> "Ghost of Miller Light."
-> "Are you gonna go on Stream?"
-> "Im reporting you."
-> "Yo, isn't that your dad?"
Thats a nice house you have there...
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Recent Activity
1,963 hrs on record
last played on 11 Mar
4.8 hrs on record
last played on 2 Mar
6,389 hrs on record
last played on 1 Mar
12d3 14 Mar, 2013 @ 11:13am 
Got my new computer, you truely need to see this thing, its a gigantic mouth-breathing mongoloid, full blown ♥♥♥♥♥♥ strength, I haven't even upgraded it yet lol
12d3 24 Feb, 2013 @ 9:30pm 
Your a sick puppy lol, Still just waiting for that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ tax check, I was gonna build from scratch but after I built my dream comp on tigerdirect and it was like 2,100 I decided to buy a mid range and upgrade the ram and video card, all I WANT from a prebuilt is it has an intel i7 quad core...
12d3 11 Feb, 2013 @ 10:31pm 
Nice, I will, I'm gonna get a new comp with my tax-check/ next pay check
12d3 23 Dec, 2012 @ 8:12am 
I bought us both ace of spades, you can tell me what its like when you try it cause it runs like total ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ gabage on my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ comp, I'm gettin a new one in a few months so this not being able to play ♥♥♥♥ is a temporary problem
12d3 9 Dec, 2012 @ 5:18pm 
I read that the wizard class, the starting one, is the strongest class if your build it up and that most of the other classes are more for show
12d3 8 Dec, 2012 @ 6:05pm 
How the ♥♥♥♥ are you so good at Realm? I can't get ♥♥♥♥ done in that game let alone build up deicent items before getting face raped...