:steamsalty: your either perfect, or your not me
Tällä hetkellä paikalla
kastal 9.6.2018 klo 5.53 
got banned off fortnite because his parents saw the current affair report but still plays it what a mad lad
The Impractical Engineer 25.4.2018 klo 3.43 
He is dead...
kastal 19.3.2018 klo 4.49 
he is an actual ♥♥♥♥♥ slayer but bad at fortnite
Wickedman 20.9.2017 klo 0.58 
+ Rep fast and fair trader :)
The Impractical Engineer 6.7.2017 klo 19.44 
Hello, this is Heinrich Himmler from I'mANazi.com ,

You haven't logged in in a while, so we are just checking everything is okay. Don't miss out on our July Special, Dancing with the Jews! We would love to see you there on stage singing your favourite song. Forgot your password? Here is your credientials:

Username: Pleaseburn
Password: Allthejews69

See you there!

Regards, Heinrich Himmler
kastal 1.7.2017 klo 22.20 
Put this on the profile of people who are known/wanted terrorists
that were involved in the September 11th, 2001 attacks.