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5.0 timmar totalt (2.3 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Game is great!
Upplagd 21 juni 2024. Senast ändrad 21 juni 2024.
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0.6 timmar totalt
it looks alright. . but actually very boring.
Upplagd 20 juni 2024.
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0.2 timmar totalt
Early Access-recension
Upplagd 20 juni 2024.
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0.4 timmar totalt
Early Access-recension
way too many bugs ruined this game
Upplagd 19 juni 2024.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
10.4 timmar totalt (9.8 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
hi it's nice to see the game revamped and become interesting and fun

i have a few question, i hope someone could answer.
(i am nearly lvl 100 btw)

1 is magery staff or stave? 1 handed or 2 handed? or none?
2 there's a slot for belt, but i haven't seen 1 belt yet, while i am nearly lvl 100
3 i am playing a caster, but only dropped 5 magery weapons so far , the drop rate is intolerably low !

to whomever answers my question, thank you!

Upplagd 14 juni 2024.
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0.1 timmar totalt (0.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
The trailer looks interesting, i had high hopes, but it's a disappointment.

it's hardcore permanent death one-run thing, there's no perks to improve character data, no skills, no skill modifiers.
you can't even dash while casting skill.
and the hit box is messed up, you could shoot a target for 10 times without knowing if it's hit.

i really wished this game could be something, that's why among all the games i could buy with this price, i bought this.
Upplagd 13 juni 2024. Senast ändrad 13 juni 2024.
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En utvecklare har svarat på 13 jun, 2024 @ 6:42 (Visa svar)
2 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
16.2 timmar totalt (14.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
Tips that'll help you a lot to improve your game experience!

This game is so criminally lack of attention than it deserves.
打分 Rating 80-85/100
Feature: build-oriented, loots, stroy-driven.

1,药剂准备完成后,按住空格再按攻击药剂 可以得到增强攻击,你应该从第一次使用药剂爆炸就应该这么操作
When potions are ready to use, hold down SPACE and potion shortcut equals to one enhanced attack, this the a technic you should be aware of, and use from your first explosion.

2, 属性安排:敏捷可以提高负重和移动速度, 液体影响试剂瓶刷新的速度, 加料影响液体恢复速度。 因为游戏设定是没有普攻的,后两项对于试剂(技能)的流转,战斗的流畅至关重要
Stats: agility raises maximum walking speed& weight; liquidity affects flask regeneration; Juciness affects how fast juice regenerates to 100. This is a game without the idea of "non-CD basic attack", so how to invent in the latter two is a big deal to how smooth game is/ skill rotation is.

3, 战斗设置可以决定你是以俯视角实时战斗进行,还是面对面近身回合制 ;当然因为游戏没有普攻,其实每次战斗攻击都是在不同的技能CD间等待,因此所谓的实时战斗其实也是某种形式的回合制。
you can choose isometric top-down real-time battle or close-up battles in turns. As a matter of since there's no "basic attack", so all sorts of flask attack is in the rotation of skill cooldowns, so what it seems like a real-time battle is also turn-based in deed.

4, 试剂瓶的呼出实际是以卡牌抽卡的形式进行的,因此怎么合理选择,使用你的试剂至关重要,深度影响你的BD玩法
The flasks are drawn to engage in battle like deck-building cards, so how to choose your flasks, and what to use is crucially important, it affects the outcome and play-style of your build.

5, 游戏其实有不同的BD组合,这游戏没有装备系统,试剂本身其实就是技能与装备,而它们身上的词条 和互相之间联动的词条 决定了玩家的BD形式.,但注意,和常规刷子游戏的bd呈现形式是完全不一样的,很特立独行
Game have all sorts of builds. and it doesn't have equipment like the other general games. Flasks are the skill system&equipment. What affixes you choose or affixes that carry synergy functions you choose makes your build and playstyle. But be prepared to engage in the one of the kind gameplay that game provides.

6, 每张地图除去剧情任务本身,都有相同的设定,找宝箱,杀魔怪,寻找灵异地点,激活祭坛。随你呆在地图上的时间增加会刷新更多的魔怪。
Aside from tasks, on each map, they have similar setting, find chests, find ghosted location, activate alter, and kill monsters. More monsters will spawn as longer you stay in the same map.

There's day&night in the game, when at night all monsters wear protections, you need to summon the tower, to break their protect with beam light sweeping over them. Daybreak at 6:00.

8, 水流对于玩家有阻碍体感,因此过水流甚至正常跑图过程中,要学会使用跳跃,冲刺,和传送。 在还没有堆上足够的移速前,会极高的提升跑图体验。 官方说下个补丁会有改善。 
Water will slow you down! so you'll need to be aware to use jump, rush, and teleport to counterstrike the ill enviroment element. before you've stacked up enough walking speed, it'll certainly help u a lot. Next patch will make some improvement as dev. told me.

9, 游戏中可以学到不同的仪式,有各样的BUFF效果。譬如增加移速,增加生命回复。 进游戏要习惯,先召唤仪式。 
You will learn different rituals in the game, rituals bring buffs, such as movement speed, life regenration, etc. so form a habit to perform a ritual as long as you enter the game.

10, 有人可能忽视这个信息,药剂使用需要液体准备度100%完成才能使用(右侧大白条) 右键技能(非药剂技能,冲天,瞬移,突击)还需要液体回复满才能使用(右侧大灰球+大白条)
some may miss this, juice(the white bar) will be 100 readiness before all your flasks are able to use. Right button skills such as upsurge, dash and teleport also need liquids(the gray ball) ready to be able to use.

11, 因为游戏设定上有不少特立独行的地方,譬如没有普攻,技能的出现以抽卡随机; 和需要以跳跃来克服移动障碍,因此刚入手可能会有一定程度的不习惯,因为本质上它并不是一款动作砍杀游戏。
The game is one of its own kind unique from all sorts of hack&slash games, such as no basic attacks, skills are randomized drawn, and jump to overcome obstacles. So you'll expect some level of "uncomfortableness", since it's nothing like a ordinary hack& slash action game, by core, it's action game, but not hack&slash.

12 快捷键U 可以平缓调节视觉朝向
U key can help you smoothly adjust your camera.

13 开局别浪费时间探索地图,专心做任务,一个多小时就能解锁所有药剂,拿到白色的就可以快速补充大白条了。提高战斗流畅性
don't waste time exploring the map at the beginning, just follow the tasks, you'll be able to unlock all flasks real soon in about 1 hour. as long as you unlock the white flask, you can improve game smoothness.

最后, 游戏目前是EA试发行状态,还不是正式发行。 
Finally game is in early access, not yet official launch.
Upplagd 9 juni 2024. Senast ändrad 9 juni 2024.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
13 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
1.1 timmar totalt
Early Access-recension
Game is good in general. but it's unwise to make it a rogue-like when you‘ve already adopted diablo and castlevania!
if you enjoy a good time with roguelike, it's recommended.
but if you anticipate diablolike or castlevania type of hack& slash, and build -building , don't buy, least not at current price.
Once you die, all progress is lost, including skill tree investment, but you can keep gears and coins, and starting all over.
But game has its own merits, so you might wanna keep it in the wishlist for a while to see how it's baked at official launch!
In general at current stage, the game is a bit of castlevania, a bit of diablo, and a bit of roguelike,
sadly, the keyword is “a bit”, that's all you feel. along with simple map, &repetitive monsters, very mobile game like.

死亡会重置一切,包括技能树,和神器。 但保留武器和金币。 然后一切从头开始,不管你已有进度是多少

大家斟酌购买,游戏还行, 就是这个肉鸽模式属实脱裤子放屁,已经缝合了恶魔城和暗黑,偏倒回去走肉鸽路线 , 如果是纯正的恶魔城,就完美了
但是纯喜欢肉鸽的玩家,可以入的。当然也不是全无缺点,局外成长严重依赖随机的装备数据,而装备也没几个词条,所以难以保证重复性跑图之下的稳定成长。 这个和其他肉鸽是不太一样的。 随机的数据VS可选择的固定增长

总体说在当前阶段, 游戏有一丢丢的恶魔城风味,一丢丢的暗黑口感,一丢丢的肉鸽触觉。
Upplagd 7 juni 2024. Senast ändrad 8 juni 2024.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
13.1 timmar totalt (2.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
I like this game and I recommend to try.

but here are the issue
It doesn't save progress when we succeeded in challenging a BOSS so we'll have to start all over since the very beginning.
Death will clear empty our collected crystals. it shouldn't since sometimes a craft table is hard to come by in a run.
It says continue on the menu, but i don't see how we save the game, and i've took multiple runs and got the first boss.
Upplagd 2 juni 2024. Senast ändrad 2 juni 2024.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
5 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
1.0 timmar totalt (0.3 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
因为这B游戏,画面设置的无比亮, 游戏中场景都是非常的亮, 但是人物是个小黑点,且不允许拉动镜头距离,高处顶视角。 非常难受, 以前千万别买这个辣鸡了

Overpriced. hardly 1/3 of its price quality.
total waste of my expectation!

fyi, hades 2 has lower price
Upplagd 1 juni 2024. Senast ändrad 16 juli 2024.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
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