quaver sv horror, and speedy platforming creature | honestly, this place is just a bit of a mess
want to talk to me? - [sparkyspartan] (Discord)
waterproof - artwork by .pon. [check profile description]
Heya! [Lore, Questions and Answers]
Welcome to my Steam page!
In this text box, you will be able to find a little bit of info about my history in the two games I play these days, and some lore related stuff about my character that I usually spew out at midnight.
The disclaimer divides the two, and you can read whatever you want to.

Quaver (and other VSRG's)
In 2014, I made my first serious endeavor into rhythm gaming; osu!mania, a place that I have now mostly retired from for multiple reasons. Over the years, I gradually climbed the 4k dans, eventually reaching Tachyon in 2018. I played many SV charts and enjoyed my time playing along the way, until a mix of a lack of official content and improper engine handling from the developers caused me to branch out and try other games, like LR2 and Etterna. Quaver was a major spark to pull me back in, and I played many charts with rates and reasonable judgements now at my side. Now, I mostly just play to enjoy what I can, occasionally dabbling in charting, mostly of the SV variety. Being a top player isn't really of concern to me if I enjoy the charts that I can play.

I played TF2 casually from about 2015, though I wasn't too good at it for a while, and played it consistently. The closest thing I had to mains were Roamer Soldier and Hybrid Knight. And it stayed like this for a while, until I saw some combo pyro montages and wanted to see if it was really as difficult as it seemed. Around early 2019, I was giving Combo Pyro a try, and the playstyle really clicked with me for a few reasons, mainly things like being able to do silly things without too much consequence, and not needing to use a gun that fires bullets. Ever since, I went on an adventure of self improvement to see how far I could take this loadout, since I enjoyed playing with every second of it. Today, I feel that I've created my own personalized play style that focuses on hyper-aggressive combat and never backing down from a potentially winnable fight, regardless of the most likely result. I'm happy to help others who want to pick up the art, though I generally put casual lessons on a level of "do as I say, not as I do."
Every weapon and cosmetic that I have on display in my item showcase is based on character lore for the singular character that I've developed way too much plot for, Hexyl.
Hexyl's Documentation
Last Updated - Early 2020

Disclaimer: Below this point is a large wall that tells you many things about a character you've almost definitely never seen before. If you like reading random lore sheets, you might like it, though I won't judge any opinions made.

About Hexyl - image included! [cdn.discordapp.com]
In 2017, I started to write little stories in my head to help me rest. Not too long after, I started to apply these to a hand-made character that I made up as I went along. Over time, many things changed, like my writing abilities, understanding of the world, and who I want to be at heart. I can't guarantee this will still be accurate in 2 years time, but it's why some things are kind of vague - so I can improve, take suggestions from others and grow both as a writer and a person... so here are the bases to that growth.

Hexyl is a mesh of program and spirit that usually resides in an animated anthropomorphic shell, that now usually takes adventures around the world to spread feelings of happiness and self-worth. The shell itself is a compound blend of fabric, rubber, and liquidized magical energy, and is partially infused with technology for purposes like proper movement and maintaining constant auras within the shell. [explained further later.] Though their body is completely inorganic, they are still able to speak and use facial emotions in the same way as an everyday person, even including facial expressions.
Their entire body is completely hollow, and they weigh next to nothing. (approx. ~250g.) Most practices that they've learned relate to spellcasting, researching unique material properties, and creating machines that work in cooperation with various magical properties to perform otherwise impossible tasks.
They are capable of existing outside of a shell for a while as a humanoid, spirit-like entity, though their abilities are highly suppressed without a physical conduit to control. (This state is also almost completely weightless, mostly untouched by gravity, and can be linked to certain machines to return to them instantly, regardless of distance.)

hexOS is a modified homebrew-type operating system made to run on all local computers within Hexyl's world, with light compatibility to technology of other worlds. Operating on a trinary system and using partial quantum logic through advanced magical technology logic, the system is mostly dependent on processors. With a bit of gimmickry, Hexyl is capable of installing a background program version of hexOS on most computers without any equipment, usable until a reset is issued. Hexyl's spirit is capable of residing within any computer running hexOS, able to observe the contents of the computer from behind the screen. Though they aren't capable of performing actions like deleting files, they can interact with the computer's current user by chat and requests.

Magiplush, and Hexyl's Form
One of the primary studies that is commonly undertaken by the few thousand magical scientists of Hexyl's home world involves the process of "Magical Compounding," a process that takes two or more materials that don't usually blend together very well, and mixes them into one singular material with the help of advanced spells and raw magical energy. Many compound materials have been discovered and researched by them, and there are more than enough possibilities to allow anyone to follow whatever their heart feels like researching at the time.
Though it wasn't a completely original idea on their part, Hexyl's main choice of compound material research involves mixing the properties of fabric and rubber via a heavy dosage of liquified magic. As such, it was given the name "Magiplush Blend" for retaining it's soft texture with all elements in mind.
The compound has many elements to it that make it ideal for making a shell for a being like them, like being a catalyst for spell casting and creating a sealed chamber for storing magical energy, being able to replicate under direct orders to and to freely be allowed to bind and unbind to itself, being a completely airtight material with a handful of elemental resistances, and more. Hexyl's discoveries about the material have also found other beneficial properties, like being able to implant computing components into the material, and being able to carry an inclosed electrical current.

Hexyl's form uses many of these effects to their advantage in their latest shell version, using an implanted computer processor with a partial hexOS engine to automatically cast spells at certain times, some going off constantly, others being used in incredibly niche cases, and all the others being in between.
These spells help to evade certain negative elements that a hollow construct would have to otherwise deal with, such as air friction, pressure differentials, and material properties.
With the shell both being a sealed chamber for magic and air, it allows for another technical marvel to come into play; Stasis Stuffing, a dense mix of air particles and aura effects that compresses in a similar fashion to actual stuffing, while being completely weightless and being a magical catalyst of itself.
If any element of maintaining Stasis Stuffing is compromised, the material will quickly destabilize into its bases, creating many low and high air pressure zones and as such, tearing apart the shell that once held it.
In a case of complete fracture, loose scraps will be pseudo-magnetically pulled together into a pile, before being morphed and reassembled into a perfect replica of the original shell. This process usually takes a few minutes, and allows Hexyl to either remain in control of the shattered shell on a lowered level of consciousness, or to exit the shell as their original shape of an entity, with the ability to return to the shell at any time.

The Vault
In Hexyl's home base, there are many items that they have collected along their adventures, including equipment that can be used to travel to and return from other worlds, only requiring a dimensional location and a powerful energy source (both electrical and magical) to open.
With the amount of active machinery and auto casted spells being operated within Hexyl's home, a self-operated power source is required to keep everything running. And this power source is contained within a pocket dimension, directly linked to Hexyl's home and being.
Within this dimension is a safe entry and exit area, a large channeling crystal, and a pile of thousands of inanimate and featureless Magiplush shells all created by Hexyl's hand for this sole purpose.
Each shell both operates as a battery and a generator, with every individual shell increasing the power of other shells around it. Any overflowing energy generated is sent to batteries across worlds, some not owned by themselves.

This marks the current end of the stabilized lore. I have written more beyond this point, but I am yet to put it into an absolute state.
If you have any questions you want to ask me for any reason, (friend or not, all questions accepted!) refer to my Discord link, and I may add this information to this board later!
2月6日 に最後にプレイ
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