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464.6 godz. łącznie (454.1 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
GTA V Online is unplayable in its current state. I cannot get into a stable server without being swarmed by spam messages and modders ruining everyone's good time. Rockstar's cloud servers cannot locate my character and I can only get into a session when I'm very, very lucky over multiple days. Common fix solutions have not changed in the past three years, leading me to believe that Rockstar has abandoned this title. I feel bad for the people fooled into buying Shark Cards who get this issue and lose everything at random. I don't even care about my character at this point, I just want to play the game...It's fun as hell when everything is working right...
Opublikowana: 2 kwietnia 2024.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
27.9 godz. łącznie (10.6 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
My new favorite videogame. There are no words to describe how indescribably insane and chaotic this game is, or any way to describe the experience of this game. I don't even know where to begin; everything is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ amazing, from the most metal soundtrack to anything ever, to the sheer brutality and skill of the combat, to the gripping fear that every mob of demons rushes through you. You are basically death incarnate. You are not stuck in Hell with demons; demons are stuck in Hell with you. I order you to buy this game and support this incredible piece of carnage that Bethesda has produced. Support good games. Easiest 5/5 rating I could possibly give.

Protip: You're gonna need to catch your breath after playing this game; especially in certain sections. Literally. There is only so much of this game you can take in a single sitting.
Opublikowana: 3 lutego 2020.
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Według 3 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest zabawna
3.4 godz. łącznie (2.0 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
I decided to spend the remainder of my Steam Wallet on this game. It seemed interesting, with enough of a challenge to keep me entertained. However, I was very disappointed with my purchase. Here are some problems with Barony:

The UI needs work. Even though Hunger is an effect, there is no meter to show how hungry you are. Only an icon that pops up on occasion. You become hungry at the worst possible times. And when you try to sell an item, it isn't straightforward. Half the fun of loot is selling it, and you can't. When items are damaged, you can't tell. There is no durability meter on items. They seem to break at random.

The game is lacking even a simplistic tutorial. It's irritating to have to figure out controls from online guides and the Settings menu.

Why is there a guy selling things in the dungeon? It makes no sense.

Combat sucks. Enemy swings can barely be seen, so you can't time enemy strikes. And shields don't provide as much protection as they should. Shields in Minecraft, for example, were implemented very well, providing players a great deal of protection from enemy strikes. But the shields in Barony feel like they're full of holes. With weapons, swings feel sloppy; like I have little control of how far my swing goes. I have the modify the FOV heavily to find the right distance. In Daggerfall, the FOV was fine, since the weapon is seen swinging at a distance, rather than the hacking motion from Minecraft. The FOV isn't a problem in Minecraft, because enemies aren't swinging weapons at you. They just cause damage or shoot projectiles. Combat feels chaotic and sloppy; this could be remedied with faster movement, allowing for fast-paced dodging. This is how it worked in Daggerfall. Also, Daggerfall used a random damage system. Players could only determine if they are close enough to strike with their weapon. Blocks and damage were generated at random. This worked well. However, your character feels slow, and enemy strikes can rarely be avoided. In a game as difficult as Barony, a strong melee system is very much needed.

The system of appraising items sucks. Only the Merchant can reliably appraise items. It makes sense if the other classes appraise slowly. But if you have to wait an entire minute to appraise an item, only for the appraisal to fail, it wastes time, puts characters in danger, and takes the fun out of looting (My favorite part of RPGs, btw). Appraise skill should simply increase the speed of appraisals instead of increase reliability. It hurts people early in the game. Also, more items should be general items, without need for appraisal. In Diablo, for example, most loot weapons don't need to be identified. However, the only items that do need identification are magic items. This made identification VERY satisfying, since it was always a pleasant surprise to see what powers a magic weapon had. But in Barony, players are often left disappointed with their new items once they are appraised. Also, you should not need to appraise food. That's ridiculous. Food just needs a sniff and a once over, not an appraisal of value.

It makes sense that the game is a difficult roguelike, and that all loot and level progress is lost upon death. However, you should be able to save characters, so experience isn't lost. The fact that you lose absolutely ALL progress if you die is extremely frustrating. The game stops being enjoyably hard and start being frustrating when you gain XP, only to die easily later on. At least in DARK SOULS, you keep your level when you die.

Mana and Health recharge VERY slowly. This was okay in Daggerfall, since the designers were fresh D&D players who didn't know better. When Daggerfall was made, it was based on D&D combat. D&D combat lasted far longer per enemy, so high mana and health costs were okay. But in a Videogame, you need that health and mana back very quickly. In Daggerfall, the player could rest in order to regain lost health. However, you have no way other than random potions to rapidly regain health in Barony. And note that those potions might be poisonous. Therefore, it is VERY easy to die. Or you have to wait several minutes to regain health and mana. This slows the game's pace immensely.

Items become cursed very easily, for no apparent reason. Loot becomes unusable. I cannot stress enough how much I LOOOOVE Looting in RPGs. So when all the loot I find becomes useless for no good reason, the game stops being fun.

For some reason, the mouse buttons cannot be rebound. The game feels strange to me, since I'm used to "E" to interact, RMB to block, and Space to Jump. But I can't rebind the mouse buttons to my liking. Not that jumping is in Barony, of course.

Traps are very difficult to see until it is too late. There should be a visible tripwire or something hidden in the ground, but there isn't. Not even a subtle clue of any sort. So all your progress might be lost at any time from any trap.

Multiplayer servers are barren. Probably due to several of the reasons I listed. Really, I see what this game was going for. I do. It has the foundation of a great, addictive Videogame. In playing this, I couldn't help but explore and loot the dungeon. I have been bored with RPGs lately, so for Barony to pique my interest, it is an astonishing feat. The description of Barony states that it is inspired by games like Daggerfall. But in reality, it poorly executes what games like Daggerfall did well. The heart of those classic games like Daggerfall is there; but it is executed poorly. I hate to give a low rating to this game, since there is an online community that still loves this. And the designers clearly cared about the project. But I think my money could have been better spent. Hopefully, the designers will pay attention to these reviews (As well as mine) and patch the game so it can become the indie classic it was meant to be. The game is only a year old; it could still become great.
Opublikowana: 4 czerwca 2016.
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1.3 godz. łącznie (1.3 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Synergy is a fun HL2 mod. It allows you to play thoose bothersome combat sections in Half-Life 2 with other people online, allowing for fun multiplayer gameplay. It is very stable, and because it is simply a Mod of other games, it's not a terrible HL2 mod. I reccommend Synergy for any fan of Half-Life 2 or source Engine games.
Opublikowana: 8 marca 2014.
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