Arizona, United States

Min uppfattning om kul är att döda alla!

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti

*TLSTHC* Time_lord*BUD* 12 Sep, 2010 @ 10:07pm 
hey man hit me up when your on i have a ? to ask
*TLSTHC* Time_lord*BUD* 26 Jul, 2010 @ 8:17pm 
yo solo did you get my email man cause im starting the clan back up and i need to talk to you bro email me and ill talk to you ok later time out
*TLSTHC* Time_lord*BUD* 25 Jun, 2010 @ 10:26pm 
yo solo whats up being a while hey nest time your on line hit me up man i need to tale to you man
ok time out
wifflez 2 Feb, 2010 @ 7:32am 
well that was wrong but you get the idea.. it basically says yeah i know but we arent on at the same time and im on from 8 to 4
wifflez 2 Feb, 2010 @ 7:31am 
Oui je sais, mais nous sommes en ligne n'a jamais été au même moment. Se souvenir de messagerie sur 8-4