Inch'on-jikhalsi, Korea, Republic of
No information given.
Currently Offline
1 game ban on record | Info
1144 day(s) since last ban
Completionist Showcase
The Evil Within - 1인칭 모드
1. Right-click the game in the Steam client and choose Properties.
2. Click Set Launch Options and add +com_allowconsole 1
3. Press Insert to open the console in-game.
4. Enter these commands (make sure you enter them in the same order):
pm_thirdPersonSimple 1
pm_thirdPersonRange -26(or -18)
pm_thirdPersonHeight 80

Outlast 2
C:\Users\user\Documents\My Games\Outlast2\OLGame\Config\OLGame.ini

Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun
임무선택 > 일시정지> 옵션 > "honorless" 입력
Page Down: 투명상태
Insert + 1/2/3/4/5: 캐릭터 소환

Thief simulator
ESC키 아래의 `키를 눌러 화면 상단에 콘솔창을 띄운 후 입력하면 된다.
allskills - 모든 스킬 잠금 해제 / iknowall - 모든 AI의 일상 파악 / thieftools - 모든 도구 획득