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Created by - Endless ∞ and The Wolf
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⠀ ⠀ ⠀ The hardest walk you can make, is the walk you make alone ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ but that is the walk that makes you the strongest.
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You actually get to map your own brain "shadow brain" in "killer instinct" it was originally released on the "snes" super nintendo 16bit system but its release date came just before the release of Sega Saturn dream-cast play-station ect so the game never did get the attention it should of anyway fighting a replica version of yourself after mapping is interesting.

Fast combo-based beat'em up falls along side MK fans.
Odd fellows...
R.32/zombie variants 'botnets' are being used mostly here on steam, a few account names with links will be posted in this message box eventually.

These individuals are a few responsible also this should concern you all since they may access everything if undetected from payment details account details, cyber stalking, remote CMD, remote screen sharing via virtual box, theft of token & man in the middle attacks ect.

The list is huge combined with a few other Malware-Hackware-Spyware-Lanware ect: which i won't list since i'm not being responsible for encouraging anyone to go down that path, they can pretty much make you a prisoner of your own system without your knowledge.

Be-careful of links also new user accounts & what you share online such as FB accounts-email-cell numbers ect: also aim to use something like 'CyberGhost' software VPN for encryption of data, also to mask your IP address since it is, pretty much how it all begins. 'IP' webRTC leaks IPscans & VOIP.

Also consider changing your mac-address since your mac-address is used to identify you besides your IP address, consider 'Technitium-MAC-address-changer' software. Also your fingerprint readout via web browser i'd go for one of the 'Random user agent' via extensions if you don't know how to do it manually.

I'd also consider 'https everywhere' extension for cookie encryption & forced secure address lines also avoid using 'http' address lines if you can for the same reason 'http' isn't encrypted also it's unsecure this can lead to having your info high-jacked, logins passwords ect: 'sidejacked' due to Phishing attacks 'http' is peer address lines, these are unencrypted.

'webRTC leak protection' via extensions to avoid IP leaks, 'Keyscrambler' by QFX to scramble keystrokes to help avoid 'keyloggers' designed to send passwords data ect: to a attackers email.

'CCleaner' to keep browser cookies ect: cleaned up with a secure deletion with control over what is cleaned/flushed from your system. Also advised software i'd consider 'Spybot Anti Beacon' to kill intrusive telemetry & tweak your system for privacy.

'Adwcleaner' software by malwarebytes to clear up pups pums unwanted software normally packaged in with installs over time & trackers ect: from intrusive ads, also keep your system patched with the latest security updates.

'Spywareblaster' downloaded from 'brightfort' & only 'Spywareblaster' to protect from Zeus botnets also other variants. Do not download anything else from 'brightfort', other than 'Spywareblaster' the other software from 'brightfort' are compromised & will be flagged.

Update via software 'Spywareblaster' before update, close all browsers to be sure your update is applied, to be sure your browser is closed use 'CCleaner', to force close your browser & kill tracking cookies, then the software will update & apply the latest updates correctly, or you may need to restart your computer.

Always disconnect from the internet whenever restarting your computer, when required after patching security updates, software updates or software installations, that require a restart. Since some attacks mostly 'back-doors' are deployed on system restarts & need a internet connection to deploy.

Monitor your system start up programs via 'CCleaner' start up tab, or your 'regedit' settings, anything that shouldn't be there or you didn't install just adjust your settings to not run specific software on system start up after a computer restart/reboot.

NSA defence tool - Spectre defence tool, these downloads can be found on '360 total security's blog' patching a system from uniblue variants which effected 70% of Microsoft users globally, spectre was designed to extract data directly from a systems processor, it's advised to install these patches.


Some of the individuals responsible for launching cyber attacks also botnets, via steam targeting it's users which spill out into most web clients due to stalking/cyber stalking. Normally over being bested in a video game or through another form of envy, which makes them dangerous.

They tend to try to drive a individual into suicide or extreme mental health issues leading to self doubt via scare tactics trolling, gas lighting, system hacks & control over the online environment via botnets & identifiers mentioned above, on top of all of this they're also aiming for theft & mostly targeting females via multiple web clients.

Conspiring as a group & knowing the end result is going to end in suicide, that is with intent. Which isn't suicide any longer, but murder.

These attackers methods are mostly old school attacks using older overflow attack methods all browser based on old oak ocx.extension files basic java exploits used to run scripts Sun/Oak was used originally for vcrs microwaves ect bytecode: now mostly known as java these days. ocx.files are basic Active x which in many cases if they're not from a sound creator pose to be risky, ocx variants are the ones mostly to watch.

Attackers rely on it to infect then loop malware exploiting the 'overflow' known to them as 'loops' all of this falls inline with stalking phishing, man-in-the-middle, applets. Deployed on download methods or being directed to a fake/false website. A 'proxy' is important. Also monitor 'Activex' from time to time & check on the certificates & the creator of these certificates, most people do know of popular trusted vendors. bytecode/hidden source code designed to execute on a users computer 'dancing bears'

"In a nut shell they aim to not be exposed which is why they aim to derail/deal with a individual" who becomes wise, to what it is they're up to. A term phrase they like to use when asked why: is "we do it because we can"

Anyone experiencing such events, also any family who have experienced a suicide via the web?
take yours or the victims hardware phones, laptops, computers, routers, hard-drives/SSD operating systems, devices to a forensics specialist. Since these days CEH/Digital-Forensics skills softwares can now decrypt encrypted IP addresses find hidden computers, names of computers, networks & devices that are attacking.

Also decrypt Tor connections ect: Showing time stamps dates of attacks, stalking methods, detailed evidence that can be traced back to attackers. Also consider contacting 'Action Fraud' which are on Valve/Steams platform & do like playing online games, like any of us do. Contact details:

'Action-fraud' via their online webpage or tele: 0300-123-2040
or your countries equivalent.

Multiple counter surveillance, counter hacking-forensic 'OS' on tap 'Eagle'

I can switch to 'Eagle' anytime, also laptops are cheap...