ひでよし   Warrington, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
♥♥♥♥ off and make like a tree.

Yeah, I'm talking to you

162 repulation
Sin conexión
The Quote Wall :3

"Gotta check how big it is." - Meep
"Them doctors be fistin" - Meep
"i am in a onsie" - Rex
"rex slapped his face with a giant stinky wet dildo" - Ingvar
"u guysh are awful :c" - Swampy
"ill invite u to a sqood" - Meep
"i dont care about your ahaHaHaHaHh" - Meep
"ur peesh" - Swampy
"Mo very scary" - Mo
"Rex, I ♥♥♥♥♥♥' hate you now, you can smell my ass!" - Tiger
"- Victin - is now playing: Pony ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥: The Legend of the Ass in a Baby"
"great now to do some homowork" - Rex
"There's a Quote Wall?" - SirCheshireCat
"Moemoe evil" - Mo
"well ♥♥♥♥ im joining this grope :3" - Rex
"I actually can't read" - ATOMICTOASTER
"I like the look of ♥♥♥♥♥" - Ryan
"Tits are cold" - Wyrian
"I like the big one" - Ryan
"eat s♥♥♥♥♥♥s" - Pinkie
"I don't ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ care" - Marco
"in real life im pretty high" - Maple
"I will ♥♥♥ with my baseball bat" - Ryan
"Arrows and all that jizz" - Ryan
"that didnt made any sense" - Yolo
"Why is Tom so gay? He replied with 3 emojis" - James
"@ the internet: Stop" - Abbie

People getting mad:

Xander77 : ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hellw

DR.Hotogman : ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
DR.Hotogman : i hate YOU
DR.Hotogman : im serious i hate you

★Jennifer★ : Snooperhid is hackin again

Lord Enderbirine : you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

-=Emagiak=- : ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥

12:07 - Guldansenny: J?O 7SZN7ILMTGJIL CDET46N?YT

|R♣|Hnikolasavic : ♥♥♥♥ you all red team
|R♣|Hnikolasavic : all of you red pepole are noobs

♧ STRIKER♧ : ♥♥♥♥ YOU

Gutalax :3 [DOMEZ] : ♥♥♥♥ your mum !

Ankil UA : BEACH!
Ankil UA died.

SKT T1 [SýrTommy] : he have teleport facestab hack and idiot retarded family


"The Steam browser is a ♥♥♥♥!" - Daniel
"You better all stop being the stupid dumb ♥♥♥♥ you are" - Daniel
"Can you die please? With cyanide?" - Daniel
"SHUT THE ♥♥♥♥ UP YOU ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥" - Daniel

"IS THAT A ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ROCKET JUMPER? SNIPER!!" - Daniel

Chat Logs:

Shayzor: anyways cya
ewey99: bye
Shayzor is now Offline.
Shayzor: UR A ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ UR JERK

17:24 - Sniperhid89: ...
17:24 - Sniperhid89: That's you?
17:24 - FaZe Rain [Get Rekt M8]: Yes.
17:24 - FaZe Rain [Get Rekt M8]: :3
17:24 - FaZe Rain [Get Rekt M8]: >:( Dont Dis Me

16:59 - [BISTE]Mithril: yeahh
16:59 - [BISTE]Mithril: love you :3
16:59 - Sniperhid89: Cheers?

Herty : ♥♥♥♥ it go talk to Lime
Herty : he's not nice btw.
Sp00f : why?
tingul has joined the game.
Herty : Just wait.
tingul : ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ prats
tingul : wot u want

21:36 - ♥Jennifer♥: uhm wait a sec
21:36 - ♥Jennifer♥: im sucking

19:42 - ♥Jennifer♥: a guy
19:42 - ♥Jennifer♥: just
19:42 - ♥Jennifer♥: Waw
19:42 - ♥Jennifer♥: he gave me the motherload

15:45 - Kanji: So wahts happening i was having a ♥♥♥♥

Kanji: I like pony vag
Kanji: ;)

00:02 - «Τωβ»Clockwork Brain: you just need to get in handy with me

«Τωβ» Wyrian: but maybe I'm a twinky femboy trap aswell
I'm just a twinky femboy trap: are you now

19:54 - «Τωβ» Sniperhid89: How are you?
19:55 - «Τωβ»Clockwork Brain .¸.: Im sit on a chair

16:24 - Critty: damn that bager
16:24 - Critty: xD

l 2 rek : time for my special tactic
Player l 2 rek left the game (Disconnect by user.)

Lime: u fat prick

Sniperhid89 : fat
Lime : kiss my scrotum

15:33 - Sniperhid89: Hey
15:34 - Toby: suka
15:34 - Toby: blyat
15:34 - Toby: I suck ♥♥♥♥
15:34 - Toby: im ♥♥♥♥

22:20 - Sniperhid89: Oh thy lord Gaben in Valve
22:20 - Sniperhid89: Please grant us our monthy sale
22:20 - Sniperhid89: And bestow us with Audiosurf 2 at a discounted price
22:20 - Zephyn: Invokem Gaben
22:21 - Zephyn: But stare not
22:21 - Zephyn: lest Gaben stare back and delay Half Life 3 even longer

"Me too"

15:53 - Sniperhid89: Thanks, enjoy
15:53 - Korivok[HUN]: me too

15:12 - Sniperhid89: Thanks, enjoy
15:12 - Mr. [Shotek] Střelený: me 2

Screamer Reactions

22:46 - Rex Nightfury: ahahah
22:46 - Rex Nightfury: ♥♥♥♥ you

22:50 - Haxon25: ♥♥♥♥ you
22:50 - Haxon25: ♥♥♥♥
22:50 - Haxon25: I could of died

20:57 - Mattdg: Ffs my volume was up

19:40 - DeadliestDuckling: HOLY SWEET ♥♥♥♥ ON A STICK

21:24 - Scuttly: well it's not as bad as anne.jpg
21:24 - Scuttly: yeah and ♥♥♥♥ you for that
21:24 - Scuttly: i almost threw my laptop off the table

20:27 - SirCheshireCat: >:c

15:56 - lord pancake #rtdfree: whats this?
15:56 - Sniperhid89: Awesome
15:56 - lord pancake #rtdfree: no thats loud



"mange steam"
"skin holes"
"crusty danglerod"
"i prefer meaty things"
"ass passionat"

Chat logs

00:39 - robo: absolutely swaggers
00:39 - Sniperhid89: No
00:39 - robo: swiggity swag what's in the bag

19:19 - Sniperhid89: I wrote you a haiku
19:19 - Sniperhid89: You got a nice butt / You also got a nice chest / Your face is fine too
19:19 - robohobo: LOL
19:19 - robohobo: WHAT
19:19 - Sniperhid89: IT'S A HAIKU

00:24 - Sniperhid89: obobobobo
00:25 - robohobo: ohohobohobohosnipsnop
00:25 - Sniperhid89: SNIPSNOP
00:25 - Sniperhid89: LMAO
00:25 - robohobo: snopsnot
00:25 - Sniperhid89: eww
00:25 - robohobo: C:
00:26 - Sniperhid89 has changed their name to Sniperhid89 #SnipSnop.
00:26 - robohobo: NO
00:26 - robohobo: KSJHKJS
00:26 - Sniperhid89 #SnipSnop: LOL

06:22 - robo: the best part of my quotes on your quote wall is how i'm basically high when i'm saying these things and I don't even remember saying them and then I see it and die laughing

Kwyboard skilld

05:03 - robo: /wingle tear
05:03 - robo: ..
05:03 - robo: wingle
05:03 - robo: welp that ruined the moment

19:22 - robohobo: you've talenrt
19:22 - robohobo: ..
19:22 - robohobo: tanlet
19:22 - robohobo: talent

18:02 - robohobo: UGH STOP BEING A GENIUD
18:02 - robohobo: GENIUS
18:02 - Sniperhid89: geniud
18:02 - robohobo: gwert outr

02:48 - robohobo: i
02:48 - robohobo: should shoeer
02:48 - robohobo: shwoer
02:48 - robohobo: yes
02:48 - robohobo: shjwoer
02:48 - robohobo: showe
02:48 - robohobo: r
02:48 - robohobo: shwoer
02:49 - robohobo: shower
02:49 - robohobo: there

19:37 - robohobo: i was hopig that wasn't the last message you do
19:37 - robohobo: thank god
19:37 - robohobo: got*
19:37 - Sniperhid89: do
19:38 - robohobo: hopig
19:38 - Sniperhid89: hopig
19:38 - Sniperhid89: you do
19:38 - Sniperhid89: So robo
19:38 - Sniperhid89: hopig you do?
19:40 - robohobo: ..
19:40 - robohobo: ..
19:40 - robohobo: no
19:40 - robohobo: NO
Expositor de logros más infrecuentes
Grupo favorito
The group for everybody who likes Nilesy things.
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En el chat
Gundal_666 1 FEB 2023 a las 7:38 p. m. 
GG, i can help you on
p diddy 6 ENE 2023 a las 11:39 p. m. 
What happened to this man after all? he just vanished...
Sharku 20 NOV 2020 a las 11:09 a. m. 
pls come back to us
♀ ℌ𝔞𝔯𝔭𝔢𝔯 🧦 28 ABR 2020 a las 11:59 p. m. 
Say again, please?
u want anyfing from macdondald? 4 OCT 2018 a las 12:52 p. m. 
gift me a black kat cowl thx
ItsJustBen 12 ENE 2018 a las 4:38 a. m. 
H y u ded my friend